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Step 8 — Viewing Analytics Dashboards

The following article will guide you through the process of accessing your analytics dashboards and an overview of their contents

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Updated over a week ago

Previous Step — Step 7 — Managing Customers, Orders & Subscriptions

Reporting is one of the most important parts of any successful subscription program. The cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud empowers you with access to subscription-specific analytics dashboards so you can track your progress over time and make informed decisions about your business.

This article will walk you through how to access the subscription analytics that are available to you as a part of the cartridge.

Without further ado, let's begin!

What Dashboards Are Available

As a part of the cartridge, you'll have access to three key dashboards:

  • Subscriptions

    • Active subscriptions

    • Today's subscriptions

    • This week's subscriptions

    • Active subscription trend

    • Subscription change

  • Churn

    • Churn % by month

    • Subscriptions churned (MTD)

    • Churn by product (MTD)

    • Revenue retention

    • Revenue retention detail (By month)

  • Products

    • Top 9 products - Active subscriptions by month

Accessing Your Analytics Dashboards

To begin, we'll start by logging into our Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager and selecting the site of interest.

Next, we will open up the Merchant Tools dropdown. Within the section, we will select Subscription Analytics.

From here, you'll have access to the subscription dashboards described above. These subscription dashboards have been configured as an iFrame from the core platform.

Downloading Reports as PDF or CSVs

While viewing your subscription analytics dashboards, click the gear icon in the top right hand corner of the dashboard view.

If you choose to Download as PDF, simply configure your filename and Advanced Options as desired and click Download to receive a PDF version of your reports.

If you choose to Download as CSVs, your download will start automatically. The download will be completed as a .Zip file.

Sending Reports

While viewing your subscription analytics dashboards, click the gear icon in the top right hand corner of the dashboard view.

Next, click Send. Reports can be sent via email, webhook, Amazon S3 and SFTP. Reports can also be formatted as PDFs, visualizations or CSV ZIP files.

To send reports as emails, enter your recipients, using commas for multiple addresses using the specified field.

Custom messages can also be included in your email sends if desired. Simply check the corresponding box and input your desired text.

Be sure to choose your desired data format (PDF, visualization or CSV ZIP file).

Once satisfied with your selections, click Send.

To send reports via webhooks, simply designate your desired Webhook URL and click Send.

To send reports via Amazon S3, input your Bucket, Optional Path, Access Key, Secret Key and Region into the corresponding fields and click Send.

To send reports via SFTP, simply provide your Address (E.g., sftp://host/path), Username and Password. Then, click Send.

Scheduling Reports

While viewing your subscription analytics dashboards, click the gear icon in the top right hand corner of the dashboard view.

Next, click Schedule.

Define which pathway you would like to see the data transmitted through. Available options include email, webhook, Amazon S3 and SFTP.

Next, define the format of the information. Available options include PDF, visualization or CSV ZIP file.

Choose your trigger type and delivery schedule. Reports can be scheduled as a part of a repeating interval (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, hourly, by minute).

Reports can also be scheduled as a datagroup update.

Congratulations! You're now an expert on accessing, sending and scheduling reports using the subscription analytics within the cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

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