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Step 7 — Managing Customers, Orders & Subscriptions

The following article will guide you through the process of managing customers and their orders within the Salesforce Business Manager

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Updated over a week ago

The capacity to manage your customers and their orders is a must-have piece of functionality for any subscription selling tool. The cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud makes this easy by allowing merchants like you to manage orders, subscriptions and customers directly within the Salesforce Business Manager.

The following article will guide you through the process of managing customers, subscriptions and orders using the cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

Without further ado, let's begin!

Navigating to Order & Customer Management

To begin, we'll start by logging into our Salesforce Commerce Cloud Business Manager and selecting the site of interest.

Next, we will open up the Merchant Tools dropdown. Within the section, we will select Subscription Order Management.

From here, you'll be able to search orders using a number of different criteria and you'll be able to drill down to the customer level to manage orders and subscriptions on their behalf.

Managing Subscriptions at the Order Level

From the Orders view, use the search function to locate your customer and Order ID of interest. There is no one specific way to find an order, but the available search fields are pictured below.

For our search, we will look for a selected Order ID number. Our example order has an ID of 15380.

Once you have completed your search, click the Order ID of interest, shown on the left-hand side of the results view.

At the order level, you will be able to see customer information, the products included in their subscription chain, order quantity, campaign name (ID), shipping date, next recurring date, next recurring product and the status of their recurring orders. Example information is pictured below.

Below this row of information, you'll see additional information about the products and subscriptions related to this order. Example information is pictured below.

Starting, Stopping or Resetting Recurring Orders

To start, stop or reset (restart a canceled or paused subscription), locate the order of interest and check the corresponding selection box.

Next, click your desired action within the Orders Features bar.

To Start Recurring, simply confirm your selection when presented with the following modal.

To Stop Recurring, simply confirm your selection when presented with the following modal.

To Reset Recurring, simply confirm your selection when presented with the following modal.

Pausing or Resuming Recurring Orders

As an alternative to true cancelation, you, as the merchant, will have the capacity to pause and resume subscriptions on behalf of the consumer.

To pause a subscription on behalf of a consumer, click Pause Subscription and simply confirm your selection when presented with the following confirmation message.

Paused subscriptions will be denoted with a pause symbol within the features section of the subscription information.

To resume a paused subscription on behalf of a consumer, click Reset Recurring and simply confirm your selection when presented with the following confirmation message.

Updating Recurring Dates, Billing Models or Recurring Products

To update the recurring date or billing model applied to a given product, locate the product of interest within the order. Under the Features column, click Update Recurring Date / Billing Model.

Apply your desired changes and select Update to preserve your selections.

To update a recurring product, locate the product of interest within the order. Under the Features column, click Update Recurring Product.

As before, apply your desired changes and select Update to preserve your selections.

How to Force a Rebill

To force bill (bill now) for a product, locate the product of interest within the order. Under the Features column, click Force Bill Product.

To confirm your selection, click Yes in the confirmation modal that appears.

How to Refund or Return a Product

To refund a product, locate the product of interest within the order. Under the Features column, click Refund Product.

Apply your edits to the quantity value and total refund amount. Please note that refunds will be issued to the original method of payment.

Click Refund to preserve your selections and apply the refund.

To return a product, simply locate the product of interest within the order. Under the Features column, select Return Product.

Apply your edits to the return reason, quantity and desired outcome for the subscription (stop or continue). To preserve your selections, simply click Return.

Editing Shipping, Billing & Payment Information At the Order Level

Further down the page, shipping, billing and payment information are accessible for editing. Simply apply your edits and click Save.

Navigating to Customer Level Subscription Management

To manage subscriptions at the customer level, we will start by using the search interface to locate our customer of interest. More than likely, you'll use the First Name and Last Name fields to locate the consumer.

Once you've found you customer of interest, simply click their name within the search results to navigate to the customer-level subscription management interface.

From here, we'll be able to see information about the consumer...

As well as their active or paused/canceled subscriptions.

How to Manage Subscriptions at the Customer Level

First, locate the billing event or subscription of interest within the consumer's profile. Once you have located the subscription or billing event, click Manage in the upper right hard corner of the billing event card.

From here, we will be able to see information about subscription orders, past and upcoming.

We will also be able to see information about the Next Subscription Cycle...

The products included in the subscription...

Pertinent customer information...

And statistics about the lifetime value of the subscription and the last billing event for the consumer.

To force an immediate billing event for a consumer, simply click the Bill Now button within the Next Subscription Cycle subsection.

Confirm your choice in the pop-up modal by clicking OK.

Modify a consumer's next billing date using the calendar within the Next Subscription Cycle subsection. Click Save to preserve your selection once satisfied.

Manage a consumer's subscription billing frequency using the dropdown within the Next Subscription Cycle subsection. Click Save to preserve your selection once satisfied.

Apply a flat amount or percent-based discount using the dropdowns within the Next Subscription Cycle subsection. Click Save to preserve your selection once satisfied.

Choose a new offer, select a different product or modify the quantity in the upcoming section using the dropdowns in the Product subsection. Click Save to preserve your selection once satisfied.

Add new addresses to the consumer's profile or manage existing addresses using the ellipsis icon on the left-hand side of the screen within the Address Book subsection. Click Save to preserve your selection once satisfied.

Add new payment methods to the consumer's wallet or manage existing payment methods using the ellipsis icon on the left-hand side of the screen within the Wallet subsection. Click Save to preserve your selection once satisfied.

Modify customer payment methods using the dropdowns in the Customer Information > Payment Method subsection. Click Save to preserve your selection once satisfied.

Modify shipping addresses using the dropdowns in the Customer Information > Shipping Information subsection. Click Save to preserve your selection once satisfied.

In order to stop a subscription (cancel or pause indefinitely), simply use the orange Stop Subscription dropdown in the center panel. Specify whether or not you would like to stop now or on the next rebill. Click OK to confirm your choice.

Resume a stopped subscription using the Resume Subscription dropdown within the center panel. Click OK to confirm your choice.

Congratulations! You're now an expert on managing orders, subscriptions and customers using the cartridge for Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

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