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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

February 07, 2017 21:03


Get in front of customers who chargeback and understand how it's impacting your business.

Potential Actions

Use the Chargebacks dashboard to:

  1. Make operational or technical adjustments to reduce the number of chargebacks.

  2. Help to predict the number of chargebacks at month's end.

Data presented in this dashboard is based on "Chargeback Date" unless otherwise noted. Chargeback Date is the date that the order was charged back without an association between the Re-bill and Recurring transactions (Cycles 1…X) and the Initial transaction (Cycle 0) that initiated the order.

  1. All test orders marked within the platform are automatically removed from the Analytics data.

  2. Please reference the Order Cycle Nomenclature visual below to understand the way that references the phases of each order type.

Please be advised that this report will only show correctly if your chargebacks are being marked properly. This can be automated by using Chargeback services or can be accomplished manually through one of the two approaches:

If using API, this is accomplished through the order_update method of our Membership API.

If using the interface, this is accomplished through the order details by checking the chargeback checkbox and choosing the appropriate chargeback date.

You may find the following Help Center articles relevant to Analytics helpful.

Data Elements & Measures

The following data elements and measures are shown on the Chargebacks dashboard. For comprehensive definitions of data elements and measures, please reference the Glossary of Measures. Order Cycle Nomenclature

Additional Resources

You may find the following Help Center articles relevant to Analytics helpful.

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