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Updated over a week ago

February 07, 2017 20:58


Analyze your bank transactions by Billing Rate and Chargeback Rate and dig deep into the analysis to understand the bin detail.

  • What banks (i.e., Chase, Wells Fargo, etc) have high/low Rebill and Chargeback Rates.

Determine the percentage of credit versus debit versus prepaid cards that you are processing.

What are BINs?

What does a BIN tell us?

  • Bank - Chase, Wells Fargo

  • Brand - Visa, MasterCard

  • Card Type - debit, credit

  • Category - business, prepaid

  • Country - USA, FRA

Potential Actions

Use the BINs dashboard to:

  1. Adjust business rules for specific BINs to increase billing ratio. For example, one may decide to only allow certain consumer ordering on specific BINs to call in to order, be routed to a straight sale or deny the order altogether.

  • Data presented in this dashboard is based on "Acquisition Date" unless otherwise noted. Acquisition Date is the date that the original order was placed and allows Analytics to present data in an appropriately connected way. Specifically, Acquisition Date associates Re-bill and Recurring transactions (Cycles 1…X) to the Initial transaction that initiated the order. When calculating many measures, disassociating the recurring transaction types from the date of origination (the Initial transaction) causes arithmetic inconsistencies and brings incorrect and misleading results - and ultimately incorrect business decisions. As an example: measures that incorporate time-phasing and transaction type correlation into the calculation: think Re-Bill rate or Chargeback Rate; they both associate a transactional event to other components of the overall order within a timeframe. That being said, there are instances where you may want to simply see the count, or value, or count by transaction type, of transactions within a period. When this type of analysis is performed it will be noted as such.

  • All test orders marked within the platform are automatically removed from the Analytics data.

  • Please reference the Order Cycle Nomenclature visual below to understand the way that references the phases of each order type.

Data Elements & Measures

The following data elements and measures are shown on the BINs dashboard. For comprehensive definitions of data elements and measures, please reference the Glossary of Measures. Order Cycle Nomenclature

Additional Resources

You may find the following Help Center articles relevant to Analytics helpful.

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