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About Analytics
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Updated over a week ago

August 02, 2017 14:50

Analytics Overview analytics is designed to support the need to gain critical business insights without exporting data and manipulating it. Quickly answer macro and micro questions such as:

  • Is a specific source of traffic bringing higher quality customers to the business than others?

  • How much money am I making by subscription cycle over time?

  • How does the Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) of one traffic source compare to another?

  • Has Churn Rate from Initial to Recurring billing increased or decreased over time?

Through topic-centric dashboards and advanced filtering, analytics is designed for presenting advanced Business Intelligence. Analytics will not leave questions about key measures unanswered. Address questions in one place with analytics.

Data Elements, Measures & KPIs

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for the terms (data point and measure) to be misunderstood. The terms are often used interchangeably and the problem is, all three are very different—and using them correctly makes a difference.

  • A Data Element is a single identifiable data measure such as revenue, visitors, customer acquisition cost, etc that is used to create a measure.

  • A Measure is a result of a quantitative calculation or aggregation using data elements. For example, measures include Average Order Value (AOV), Decline Rate, Refund Rate, Net Profit, etc.

To get real power out of the data in, it’s important to understand the relationship between data elements and measures, and how to use them.

Setting up Analytics

If the heart of analytics is the connection to the database, the brain is in the proper configuration. One without the other just doesn't thrive. The engineers at have to take care of the connection from the production data and the analytics/reporting database. Proper configuration relies heavily on setting up campaigns, gateways, expense assumptions, channels & verticals, and the other components of the platform properly.

  • Production data is routinely updating the analytics database. This is done through a daily ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) so the most stable of technology and processes updates the data.

  • The ability to tie expenses to marketing efforts, make attribution inherent in analytics. The Channels and Verticals features add critical attribution characteristics to campaign data. The Expense Assumption functionality ties expenses to marketing activity and determines attribution profitability.

Attribution is critical as it identifies the specific marketing channels and verticals that are contributing to order volume and equally important… profitability. This layer of attribution lives within analytics if configured properly.

  1. To set-up Channels, refer to Channels.

  2. To set-up Verticals, refer to Verticals.

  3. To set-up Expense Assumptions, refer to Expenses.

Acquisition Date Vs Transaction Date

Note: Data is organized and presented in two primary ways, including by:

  1. Acquisition Date

  2. Transaction Date

Acquisition Date organized the data by the date that the original order was placed. This allows analytics to present data in an appropriately connected way. Specifically, Acquisition Date associates Re-bill and Recurring transactions (Cycles 1…X) to the Initial transaction that initiated the order.

When calculating many measures, disassociating the recurring transaction types from the date of origination (the Initial transaction) causes arithmetic inconsistencies and brings incorrect and misleading results - and ultimately incorrect business decisions.

As an example: measures that incorporate time-phasing and transaction type correlation into the calculation: think Re-Bill rate or Chargeback Rate; they both associate a transactional event to other components of the overall order within a timeframe.

That being said, there are instances where you may want to simply see the count, or value, or count by transaction type, of transactions within a period. When this type of analysis is performed it will be noted as such.

Data presented based on Transaction Date will organize the data by the date in which the order was placed without an association between Re-bill and Recurring transactions (Cycles 1…X) and the Initial transaction (Cycle 0) that initiated the order.

Enable Access

Since Analytics has sensitive financial information, only administrators are automatically enabled to see the Analytics tab in the menu bar.

Administrators can enable as many users as they'd like to view Analytics but will have to turn on each user individually. Analytics is permission-able, so if you want users to get some dashboards and not others, you can do so through permissions.

To grant access to a user, log in to the platform - go to Admin Settings - Employee Accounts - click Permissions (gear icon) - scroll to the bottom of the page and select Enable under the Analytics category.

You may find the following Help Center articles relevant to Analytics helpful.

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