September 06, 2011 20:31
When you log into the platform, the first screen you will see is the Dashboard Overview. The dashboard provides you a snapshot summary of the business activities that have occurred today. You can easily change the filter for a broader range of time but it is meant to provide a broad summary of activity so you can identify potential problem areas or areas of opportunity that you may want to dig deeper into by looking at additional dashboards provided in the platform.
A Note on Permissions: If you have permissions to the financial data, you will also get the option to select the Financial Dashboard Overview as a reporting option (see screenshot directly below). Once clicking on "Financial" from the pull-down menu, select "Financial" and then you will have the option to set it as your default or switch back to the Overview Dashboard.
Potential Actions
Use the Dashboard Overview dashboard to:
Start your day with this dashboard to see how you did yesterday.
Understand broad activity - the overview dashboard's purpose is not to necessarily provide a deep understanding of any one area of your business but it is helpful to find areas of the business that may need more attention. In the case where you identify additional areas to look deeper into, navigate to the appropriate dashboard to do so. e.g., You notice that the amount of shipped orders is lower than you would expect based on the number of reported orders. Your next step may be to go to the Fulfillment dashboard to understand why there is a gap in orders and shipped orders.
Data Elements & Measures
The following data elements and measures are shown on the Overview dashboard. For comprehensive definitions of data elements and measures, please reference the Glossary of Measures.
Additional Resources
You may find the following Help Center articles relevant to Analytics helpful.