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Key Measure Summary
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Updated June 19, 2019


The Key Measure Summary dashboard is designed to be a daily report accessed through your mobile device to gain quick insights into key measures impacting your business.

Potential Actions

Use the Key Measure Summary dashboard to:

  1. Compare orders, new subscriptions, chargebacks, refunds and number of customers today versus yesterday.

  2. Compare orders, Gross Revenue, AOV, Chargeback percentage, Fraud percentage, Refunded Revenue percentage, Step 2 Take Rate and more in the current month to the previous month.

Data Elements & Measures

The following data elements and measures are shown on the Key Measure Summary dashboard. For comprehensive definitions of data elements and measures, please reference the Glossary of Measures.

Additional Resources

You may find the following Help Center articles relevant to Analytics helpful.

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