We added the PayPal V2 gateway, this is the newest version of PayPal. For further information on the new PayPal V2 version: https://support.sticky.io/en/articles/7035102-paypal-v2-alternative-payments
The option to post the tracking number to PayPal has been added when using the PayPal V2 integration. To use the tracking functionality, within your PayPal V2 profile you'll just need to set the "Send tracking info" to YES and we will send the tracking number to PayPal.
The API order_update method has been updated to support 'rebill_discount = 0'. This can be used to remove the rebill discount on an order. Previously, for the 'rebill_discount' criteria we only supported values of 1-99.
In some cases, when using eMerchantPay payment gateway we were sending an incorrect order Id within the request. This has been fixed.