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Prospect Provider Overview
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

November 02, 2010

UPDATED March 1, 2020 CRM has integrated a new technology that will allow you to post data directly to your Call Center/Prospect Provider through an automated process.

This is a great tool that will provide your call center the ability to dial out on your partial records real-time and follow up, even sooner, with any prospects that abandon your order process each day. As you know the quicker you can reach out to your prospects via phone, the higher chances you have of saving those sales and building a relationship with your customers.

We are now accepting any call centers to be integrated with this new technology, we only require them to have an API that they can provide us to post data over to them. If you are currently working with a call center that is following up with each of your prospects/partial records every day and having to export the data manually, this will allow you to automate this entire process; therefore, increasing the ability to respond back to your prospects quicker while you still have their attention and interests in your brand.

Once your Prospect Provider has been enabled, you will have a new field under your campaign form called “Prospect Provider Account”; from there you will click on the drop down menu, select your provider and assign it to each campaign which prospects you would like to send over to them.

This integration will run every 15 minutes, pushing your new prospects data to your provider if they do not convert into a customer.

If you would like to have your current Prospect Provider integrated with your CRM, please feel free to send over to us your call center’s API info as well as their technical contact to We can reach out to them and find out more about their technology to see if they can support this type of integration to easily make this feature available to you.

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