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Release Notes 2/6/19 - 2/20/19
Release Notes 2/6/19 - 2/20/19
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Release Notes 2/6/19 - 2/20/19


LimeLight CRM Support

February 20, 2019 19:51

Feature Release:

LimeLight is committed to our clients and are here to help you navigate the new Mastercard Compliance changes. Please refer to this help center article for details on all the new regulations and how you can use LimeLight to remain compliant.


  • We want to hear your product feedback! Which is why we’ve added a new link called ‘Submit Feature Request’ under the ‘Help’ dropdown in your LimeLight platform. Not only can you add new suggestions, but you can also see all suggestions submitted from other clients and LimeLight employees, and vote on them to push the most important ones to the top of the list!

  • The ‘Release Notes’ link has been moved to the ‘Help’ dropdown in your LimeLight platform. Every time we have a new release, we post release notes the very same day in our Help Center, so be sure to check them out!

  • Communication to your customers is now even more flexible. If you are using delayed billing for your trial offer, you can now suppress the ‘order confirmation’ email on the delayed billing charge. To enable this new functionality, simply select the checkbox ‘Do not send order confirmation’ in the Trial section on the Offers page.

  • A new API route is available to allow merchants who sell Product License Keys, to retrieve a list of license key that have been assigned or not assigned.
    Note: If you are going to be utilizing this new API method, you will need to make code changes. Please refer to our API documentation: Navigate to API > Products > Get Assigned Product License Keys OR API > Products > Get Unassigned Product License Keys

  • Products are now an additional option in the condition sets for Intelligent Cascade

  • Certain fulfillment providers now support ‘re-post to fulfillment’. This will assist merchants if their fulfillment provider rejects an order due to address issues. The data can be corrected and then easily re-sent to their fulfillment provider.

  • Now you can set up an Offer with a specific dollar amount discount, not just percentage discount. Note, this is only available for Standard Offers, not Prepaid or Seasonal offers.

  • Postbacks now include headers in the request, allowing you to pass login credentials to a third party for a secured post request.


  • Resolved an issue causing a decline salvage order to not route correctly when a merchant is using FlexPay.

  • Resolved an interface issue that caused multiple profiles to be created when the ‘preserve billing’ option was unchecked.

  • Resolved an issue causing orders to rebill at the product price instead of the variant price as expected.

  • Resolved an issue caused by users defining more than one Shipworks profile.

  • Resolved an issue caused by decline reasons causing orders to not correctly cascade

  • Resolved an issue with export notifications not allowing user to adjust who will receive the notification email.

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