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Prerequisites #2 - Adding Your Payment Gateways, Providers & Optionally Payment Routing
Prerequisites #2 - Adding Your Payment Gateways, Providers & Optionally Payment Routing

This is the second of two prerequisites needed before we can begin integrating Checkout. Here we'll discuss adding your providers.

Zakk Sykes avatar
Written by Zakk Sykes
Updated this week

Already familiar with integrating gateways, payment routing and providers? Jump ahead to Step #1 - Acquiring a Cloudflare Domain & API Key.

Adding Your Payment Gateways & Optionally Payment Routing

In this article we'll be diving into the last prerequisite needed before you can begin the integration process with Checkout.

We'll first discuss adding Payment Gateways and optionally Payment Routing.

Note: Need processing or want to explore what options are available for you? Reach out to We will get you processing.

Without further ado, let's begin!

Adding Your First Payment Gateway

To preface, supports hundreds of payment gateways. Though at launch, Checkout does not support Apple Pay & Google Pay.

To begin, let's first get signed into your account and navigate over to Settings > Providers.

Following we'll land on the Providers page. This is all encompassing, meaning here we'll do everything from boarding Payment Gateways, Fulfillment, Email Marketing Tools to Fraud Mitigation and more.

For this exercise we're focused on Payment Gateways to begin. Let's click into Actions > Add New Provider Profile.

Then, Type > Payment Gateway > Provider > Name of Your Payment Gateway.

Due to the sheer number of payment gateways it isn't possible to cover them all. So for this exercise let's discuss given it's popularity on For your gateway, click here and type in the provider name.

Payment Gateways - Credentials

Once opened - we're presented with 3-tabs. Let's just focus on what is required to simply get the MID integrated. Starting off with Tab #1 - Alias & Credentials.

  • Alias: This is what you're naming the gateway internally. The rule of thumb is Processor, Descriptor & MCC. (Or.. name it whatever you'd like).

  • API Login: The API Login used to login to your account.

  • Trans Key: Provided by

  • Currency: The currency you want this gateway to accept

Payment Gateways - Merchant Account Details

Next, we'll segue to the 2nd tab "Merchant Account Details". Here to satiate the requirements we just need to provide the following;

  • Descriptor: What your customers see on their credit card statement.

  • Customer Service Number: Your Customer Service Number.

Other fields such as Processor or Vertical are just for internal reporting are not shared externally.

Payment Gateways - Limits & Fees

Lastly, Limits & Fees. A majority of this tab is optional and is there to help you calculate P&L (Profit & Loss) margins on For this tab, we just need to specify:

  • Global Monthly Cap: If left at $0 there is no cap and the gateway can process a theoretical unlimited amount.

Note: If no cap is specified, this MID will not be eligible for Payment Routing.

Once you're ready, click Save. Should you encounter any issues or have questions, revisit the start of the guide for a whole host of resources you can use.

Lastly, much like all other providers, Payment Gateways must be appended at the campaign level individually or through your Payment Router. And if you're using Payment Routing, the Payment Router needs to be appended to the Campaign.

Appending Gateways to Campaigns

Let's first discuss adding a singular gateway to your campaign and then segue to payment routing which is optional.

Products > Campaign > Edit.

Once you've opened the campaign - we'll scroll down under:

Gateway Configuration > Your Gateway > Save.

And you're done! Much like we did for adding your first Payment Gateway, we will navigate back to Settings > Providers and add other integrations such as Fulfillment or Email Marketing Tools. Once integrated, you then append them to the campaign under "Third Party Providers" as illustrated in the above image.

Unless you intend on leveraging Payment Routing - at this juncture, we've finished all of the system requirements and can begin integrating Checkout. To jump ahead - Step #1 - Acquiring a Cloudflare Domain & API Key.

Optional - Setting Up Payment Routing

For an in-depth breakdown on Payment Routing, please refer to our Help Desk.

Given the length of the article, this is meant to be a surface level overview and will just cover the basic requirements to create your first payment routing profile.

To begin, we'll need two or more Payment Gateways, each with a Global Monthly Cap.

Let's start by navigating over to Payments > Payment Routing > Actions > Create Payment Routing Profile.

Once loaded - the first order of business is to name your Payment Router. This is internal. All other options in the Payment Router are optional and just how you intend on configuring the router itself.

Scroll to the bottom and you'll be presented with a list of your payment gateways with a blue button to "Add Gateway". When we click this, we can specify another monthly cap.

Typically there are two ways to go about handling this part;

  1. Enter the same cap as the gateway itself. You're comfortable running transactions through it and it's built to scale.

  2. Enter a smaller amount to slowly scale transactions with this particular MID. Great for when you get a new MID and want to grow it over time.

Either way, it can't exceed the actual profile cap. So either enter the same cap or lesser.

After adding your gateways and specifying the caps, we'll click Save. Similarly to our discussion earlier on Providers, Payment Routing also needs to be appended at the Campaign level. To append your PR to a Campaign, let's navigate back to Products > Campaign > Edit.

While on the Campaign we'll enable Payment Routing > Payment Routing Configuration > Your Payment Routing Profile.

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