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Written by Support
Updated over 11 months ago

November 1, 2010

Update: March 5, 2024

To configure Gateway into your CRM, you will go to Payments>Gateways, under ACTIONS select Add New Provider Profile.Select the type = Payment/Gateway and select from the drop down.Fill out the gateway parameters which are outlined below and click “Save”.

For more information on this Gateway click here

These parameters are briefly described here for your reference:

API Login: will provide you with the API Login.

Trans Key: will provide you with the Trans Key.

Currency: currently supports USD, CAD, GBP, and EUR currencies.

Test Mode: Set to YES if you would like to use this gateway in test mode.

Enable Delayed Capture: allows you to authorize the payment on day 1 and capture it in “x” number of days. Applies to initials and recurring orders, it creates the orders in a “Pending” status and they won’t be sent to fulfillment until the charge is captured and the status is updated to “Approved”.

Use Pre-Auth Filter: Set to YES only if using the Pre-Auth Filter* service through this gateway account.

Capture on Shipment: Set to YES if you want to capture an authorization once an order is marked a shipped in the CRM. Also, an order will remain as pending in  the system until the authorization is captured upon shipment. Set to No if you want the standard authorization and capture process for your orders.

Signature Key: You login to the gateway's Merchant Interface to create this key.

Gateway Alias: name that you will assign to the gateway. This is for internal purposes only; it helps you identify a specific gateway account among several of them in your CRM.

Once your gateway profile has been created, then you will go through your campaigns and assign the gateway to the corresponding campaign(s).

 When using Gateway, there are a few adjustments that we would recommend you to apply to your settings within your account.   To adjust your settings, please go to Login > account, click on Account > Payment Form > Form Fields, and uncheck all the fields that are set as "Required"

Optional Services:

Webhooks: This setting allows orders to be set to Pending per their fraud layer so you are able to determine whether or not you want to approve an order within the terminal.

  1. Login to your Terminal

  2. Go to the Account tab > Business Settings > Webhooks

  3. Click Add Endpoint

  4. Once you are at the point of creating an endpoint you want to enter the follow:

    1. Name: Any Alias Name (Ex: Fraud Check Endpoint)

    2. Endpoint URL: https://{appkey}

      1. Appkey is your subdomain.

    3. Status = Active

    4. Select all Payments Events

    5. Save

    6. No other action is needed once the webhook is saved in the terminal. Webhooks will automatically fire back to when an update occurs.

Pre-Auth Filter: This service applies to initials orders only. It allows you to pre-auth a higher dollar amount on the customer’s credit card before approving the current order to verify if extra funds are available. This is of great benefit when doing Free Trials as it helps you increase your chances of a successful rebill.

Once you enable this feature, you will be asked if you want to void the pre-auth or not, but the default setting will be YES.

When set to YES: if the pre-auth is successful, it gets voided immediately and the current order is approved.

When set to NO: if the pre-auth is successful it may remain active for up to 30 days and you can use this pre-auth amount to capture with the next recurring order, some exceptions may apply. However, please keep in mind that this feature is intended to be used only when the next recurring order is a rebill charge and not a shippable product.

In both cases if the pre-auth fails, the current order gets declined and the system will keep log of the decline reason under the declined order details.

To enable this feature, you will set the pre-auth filter to YES under the gateway profile within your CRM, as indicated in the above parameters description. Also, under the gateway profile you will specify whether you want to void this pre-auth or not. Next, you will assign the gateway to the campaign where you would like to use the filter, and you will set the amount that you want to pre-auth at the campaign level. This will be disabled by default with a $0.00 amount in it, and it gets enabled as soon as you enter a valid dollar amount to pre-auth.

You can assign the same gateway to multiple campaigns and set different pre-auth amounts based on your needs per campaign.

Exceptions that may apply when using the pre-auth amount to capture with the next recurring order:

If the pre-auth is no longer valid at the time that CRM tries to capture the amount for the next rebill, CRM will submit a new sale If you attempt to use this feature and the next recurring order is a shippable product, not a rebill, CRM will not capture the pre-auth amount at the time it process the next recurring order, but instead it will submit a new sale with the correct amount If the order has recurring upsells and the upsell’s recurring date falls into the same day as the main product’s recurring date, CRM will bundle the total amount under one single charge and this total amount will be different than the pre-auth amount; in this case CRM will not capture the pre-auth amount at the time it process the next recurring order, but instead it will submit a new sale with the correct amount 

There are 2 Required Fields on the Merchant Account Details tab. *Descriptor - This will be the MID Descriptor *Customer Service Number - The customer service number assigned to the MID

There is 1 Required Field on the Limits and Fees tab *Global Monthly Cap - This will be the sales amount allowed monthly on this MID 

To maximize the efficiency of Reporting Analytics we suggest you take a moment and fill out the rest of the fields. These will all be used in’s profitability reports.

For field definitions on all of the fields on the Merchant Account Details Tab and the Limits & Fees Tab - click here- overview of gateway providers

Once your gateway profile has been created, then you will go through your campaigns and assign the gateway to the corresponding campaign(s).

NOTE: We do not support the fraud services that this provider has available within their terminal.

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