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Step 6 - Creating Shipping Profiles

Whether you offer free or overnight shipping, you can create your shipping profiles in just a few minutes.

Zakk Sykes avatar
Written by Zakk Sykes
Updated over 5 months ago

Already familiar with creating Shipping Profiles? Skip ahead to Step 7 - Adding Your Providers.

Understanding Shipping Profiles

Whether you offer free shipping across the board, overnight options, or are a SaaS company, shipping profiles are a required prerequisite to creating campaigns which is the next component to setting up your business we'll be exploring.

Whether you have one method or several, creating them is very straightforward and can be done in a few minutes.

Below is a quick video to guide you through the entire process with a glossary beneath to recap.

Navigating to Shipping Profiles

To begin, let's navigate over to Products > Shipping.

Creating Shipping Groups

Following, we'll be presented with Shipping Methods & Shipping Group as is seen below. Let's break down each of these components and how they work together.

  • Shipping Groups
    Is simply the method of shipping that is offered to the customer. This is a prerequisite to your Shipping Methods.

  • Shipping Method
    Combines with your Shipping Group to configure pricing. And is what you reference when calling to APIs.

Note: Out of the box, your account will already have First Class Mail & Priority Mail. You can delete them, rename them, or simply opt never to use them.

To begin, click Actions > Add Shipping Group.

Here, we're presented with two fields.

  • Name
    The name of your Shipping Group. e.g. Free Shipping, Priority Mail.

  • Code
    Is what maps your Shipping Group from to your fulfillment provider. This code varies per fulfillment provider. If you're unsure what codes to use, please reach out to your fulfillment provider and they will provide the codes.

    e.g 1 = Overnight, 2 = Expeditied, 3 = Standard, 4 = Priority.

At this point, rinse and repeat for all of the methods you intend to offer to your customers. Once you're done, we'll take the Shipping Group and connect it to your Shipping Methods.

Creating Shipping Methods

Next, let's tackle creating your first Shipping Method. To begin, click Actions > Add Shipping Method.

Let's tackle each of the fields we're presented with when building a Shipping Method.

  • Name
    The name of your Shipping Method. Generally, you would repeat the same name from your Shipping Group. e.g. Free Shipping = Free Shipping.

Note: If you plan to send Shipping Confirmation emails to your customers from, the customer will see the 'Shipping Group' name. Not the 'Shipping Method' name.

  • Group Name
    The Shipping Group we created earlier.

  • Service Code
    These codes are used per order to pass information to fulfillment and will be provided by your fulfillment provider if needed.

  • Tax Freight Code
    Relevant if you're physically processing internationally - a charge paid for carriage or transportation of goods by air, land, or sea. Optional but may be required by your Tax Provider.

  • Description
    A description of the shipping method - this is internal only.

Lastly, the pricing. Things are a tad more complex here, so let's expand on each of these fields and how you can leverage them.

  • Initial Price
    The price charged for all one-time purchases, or the first transaction in a recurring subscription.

  • Subscription Price
    The price charged on the first rebill and all subsequent rebills.

  • Threshold Amount
    If a customer has $x.xx or more than $x.xx in their cart, they will qualify for the:

  • Threshold Charge Amount
    Once qualified from the Threshold Amount, they will be charged whatever value you put here. Typically, this is $0.00. e.g. $50 or more in your cart, and receive free shipping.

And... that's shipping in a nutshell! We're getting very close to creating our very first campaign. But before we do that, let's segue into adding your providers. Everything from Payment Gateways to Fulfillment and more. Step 7 - Adding Your Providers

Referencing Shipping Profiles via API

Now that we've curated all of the shipping profiles we'll need to launch your business, how can you use them?

Well, beyond creating orders manually in which we'll discuss later, you will reference these newly created profiles via our APIs.

Shipping Profiles are found in a few APIs,

  • New Order Call
    The most common and used API call there is. The "New Order" call is how you tell sticky who the customer is, what they're signing up for, and with what mode of payment. In that call include the Shipping Group ID to use.

  • Shipping Method Find
    There is also shipping_method_find. As the endpoint name implies, this method is used to retrieve a list of shipping_id's that match a set of criteria.

  • Shipping Method View
    Another endpoint is shipping_method_view. This method is used to view data about a shipping method in the platform.

Let's segue into the next part of your setup, providers. Here we'll add critical integrations to your account such as your Payment Gateways. Step 7 - Adding Your Providers.

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