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Step 4 - Building Your Billing Models

This article covers the different types of continuity you can create in just a few minutes. A prerequisite to creating your offers.

Zakk Sykes avatar
Written by Zakk Sykes
Updated over 5 months ago

Already familiar with Billing Models? Skip ahead to Step 5 - Creating Offers.

Different Types of Continuity

There are a wide assortment of billing models at your disposal. In this article, we'll cover every type of continuity that can be built.

Before we dive in, below is a quick video that will guide you through creating billing models.

Note: If you offer any trial to your customers such as a "7 Day Risk-Free" trial, eEven though the initial billing length may be 7 days, this is not configured under Billing Models.

Your billing models are what comes after the trial enrollment. This will be discussed in the next article as we unravel Offers.

Navigating to Billing Models

To begin, let's navigate over to Products > Billing Models.

Following, Actions > Add.

Types of Billing Models

Once you've chosen a name for your billing model, the next step is specifying the Billing Model Type.

  • Bill by Cycle
    Specify the number of days between each billing interval.

  • Bill by Date
    Specify the day of the month that customers should be billed.

Note: The first purchase by a customer can be made on any date. All subsequent renewals by the customers will be on the specified date.

This could lead to customers signing up days before the specified date and being double billed in quick succession with no ability to provide a buffer window.

  • Bill by Day
    Specify what week and day of the month a customer should be billed.

  • Bill by Schedule
    Create multiple points of billing throughout a calendar year.

Note: This is a great alternative to using Bill by Date. With this model, you can still bill customers on a specific day of each calendar month plus the ability to provide a buffer window to mitigate customers being billed in quick succession.

  • Bill by Relative Date
    Specify if you bill customers in intervals of months or years. With Bill by Relative, it will bill the customer on the anniversary day that they originally signed up for.

    e.g. John Doe signs up on the 15th of August, John will be billed on the 15th on all subsequent months moving forward.

    Unlike other billing models, Bill by Relative supports Trial Settings. If you intent on configuring trials in tandem with this billing model, this is important.

    • Based off of start of trial
      If we have a 7-day trial, the renewal date on subsequent renewals will be on the day we first enrolled in the trial.

    • Based off of end of trial
      If we have a 7-day trial, the renewal date on subsequent renewals will be when the trial ended.

Now that you have a handle on creating your billing models, let's segue into creating your very first Offer. An offer is how we merge products and billing models.

Next article, Step 5 - Creating Offers.

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