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Optional — Configuring Transactional Notifications with Omnisend

The following article will guide you through how to configure transactional notifications through Omnisend

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Updated over a week ago's partner integration with Omnisend allows merchants to configure transactional notifications, marketing emails, and custom email flows. This article will provide you with an overview of the different transactional events that can be used to trigger email notifications, a list of the values sent to Omnisend when your chosen event-based triggers are enabled and a step-by-step walkthrough for configuring email notifications for your BigCommerce store.

Without further ado, let's begin!


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How Email Events Work

When one of the supported subscription trigger events is enabled within the Subscriptions application, it allows to send specific subscription-related information to Omnisend when the event occurs. These events allow you to create Omnisend email workflows and email templates with information personalized to each consumer. This supports both transactional and marketing-related email notifications to your consumers.

How to Configure Transactional Email Notifications in Subscriptions

Now we will walk through the steps to configure email notifications within the Subscriptions app for BigCommerce.

Before we begin, if you have not already, please follow Omnisend's documented instructions for connecting your BigCommerce store.

With that out of the way, let's begin!

1 - Obtain your public API key (or site ID) from Omnisend. It is an alphanumeric value which is a unique identifier for your Omnisend account.

Retrieve your public API key by logging into your Omnisend account, then open the dropdown in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Next, click into Store Settings.

On the left-hand side of the screen, click into API keys. Here, you'll be presented with your API key.

2 - Once you have obtained your API key, copy it to your clipboard.

3 - Return to the Subscriptions app in BigCommerce and navigate to the Notification Settings tab.

4 - Once you've selected this tab, the top box on the page will be titled Email Service Provider Settings.

5 - Ensure that Omnisend is selected from the Provider drop-down. Paste your API key into the API Key field and click Save.

6 - Turn on your desired events in the Subscriptions app using the toggles within the Subscription Notification Settings field. Toggling on a given event will ensure that the Subscriptions app sends the event trigger to Omnisend.

For more information about the available email contexts, please read on in the article.

Please note that if you configure an email workflow in Omnisend that uses a given event from but you have the event toggled Off in Subscriptions, the workflow will not proceed.

7 - Configure your email workflows in Omnisend.

While logged into your Omnisend account, navigate to the Automation tab.

Once loaded, click New workflow and then Create custom workflow. You'll land on the custom workflow creator.

8 - Edit your workflow name by clicking Edit in the upper left-hand corner. Specify a name for your workflow and then click Update.

9 - Specify a Trigger for your workflow using the dropdown menu at right.

For this walkthrough, we will build a "Subscription started" email workflow so we will select the corresponding trigger.

10 - Next, look to the left-hand side of the screen. Select Email and drag into the workflow. When you begin to drag, a "+" sign will appear. Drop the Email bar over this sign and it will appear in your workflow.

11 - Once your email is properly placed, the Edit Email menu will open on the right-hand side of the screen.

Specify a Subject line, Preheader, Sender's name and Sender's email address.

12 - Click Edit content to edit the content of their email.

If prompted, click Yes, save before leaving.

This will redirect us to Omnisend's email builder where you will be able to edit your email template.

Example emails, including event-specific tokens, for each of the relevant contexts can be found below in the Email Event Contexts section. To edit the body of your email, select the text block by clicking directly on it.

Apply your edits by simply copy-pasting in the desired email copy into the desired text block.

To insert tokens to your email copy, you have two options

-Click Insert personalization tag and choose your desired token from the dropdown. Event-specific tokens will be available within this dropdown as "Automation Event - {Token Name}".

-Alternatively, you can write [[event.TOKEN_NAME]] and modify the TOKEN_NAME is to correspond with your desired token. Read on in the article for more information about the available tokens by event. Tokens can be copy-pasted from this article into your emails if desired.

For more information about building emails within Omnisend, please reference the Omnisend Help Center documentation.

13 - Once satisfied with your selections, click Finish Editing and you will be returned to the Email Workflow editor.

14 - Lastly, insert a one-minute delay into your email workflow between the trigger and deployed email. Add this delay by dragging Delay from the Flow Actions menu into your email workflow BEFORE the triggered email.

The insertion of the delay ensures that email notifications are delivered reliably by Omnisend.

15 - Ensure the delay has been configured for one minute. Then, click Update in the lower right-hand corner of your display.

16 - Once completely satisfied with your configured workflow, click Publish changes in the upper right-hand corner of your display.

Email Event Contexts

There are seven total subscription-specific events that can trigger a transactional email or marketing email flow in Omnisend.

  • Subscription started

  • Subscription reminder (upcoming rebill)

  • Rebill success

  • Rebill decline

  • Subscription paused

  • Subscription resumed

  • Subscription canceled

Subscription Started

This can be used to notify the consumer when a new subscription chain has been started.

Here are the event-specific values (or payload) that are being sent to Omnisend that can be used to hone your email flows or enrich the body of your email templates with personalized information.

  • Trigger Name: “stickyio_subscription_started"

  • Event Payload:

    • [[event.$first_name]]

    • [[event.$last_name]]

    • [[event.$email]]

    • [[event.product_id]]

    • [[event.product_name]]

    • [[event.member_portal_link]]

    • [[event.billing_model_name]]

    • [[event.next_recurring_date]]

    • [[event.product_type]]

    • [[event.subscription_id]]

Here is an example email template for the "Subscription Started" event.

Dear [[event.$first_name]] [[event.$last_name]],

Thank you for subscribing to [[event.product_name]]. Welcome to the club!

If you would like to modify your subscription, please log into your account and make any changes that you feel are necessary here:


Subscription Reminder (Upcoming Rebill)

This can be used to remind the consumer of an upcoming rebill event for their existing subscription. You as the merchant can define how many times and how many days before the rebill these reminders are sent. For example, you can configure your notifications to remind the consumer 7 days and 3 days before their next rebill.

Here are the event-specific values (or payload) that are being sent to Omnisend that can be used to hone your email flows or enrich the body of your email templates with personalized information.

  • Trigger Name: “stickyio_subscription_reminder"

  • Event Payload:

    • [[event.$first_name]]

    • [[event.$last_name]]

    • [[event.$email]]

    • [[event.billing_model_name]]

    • [[ recurring_quantity]]

    • [[event.next_recurring_amount]]

    • [[event.next_recurring_date]]

    • [[event.days_until_rebill]]

    • [[event.member_portal_link]]

    • [[event.product_id]]

    • [[event.product_name]]

    • [[event.product_type]]

    • [[event.product_quantity]]

    • [[event.subscription_id]]

Here is an example email template for the "Subscription Reminder" event.

Dear [[event.$first_name]] [[event.$last_name]],

This is a reminder that the next billing date for your subscription is approaching. On

[[event.next_recurring_date]] we will automatically withdraw

[[event.next_recurring_amount]] plus shipping and tax from your account.

If you would like to modify your subscription, please log into your account and make any changes that you feel are necessary here:


Rebill Success

This can be used to notify the consumer of a successful rebill.

Here are the event-specific values (or payload) that are being sent to Omnisend that can be used to hone your email flows or enrich the body of your email templates with personalized information.

  • Trigger Name: “stickyio_rebill_success"

  • Event Payload:

    • [[event.$first_name]]

    • [[event.$last_name]]

    • [[event.$email]]

    • [[event.member_portal_link]]

    • [[event.product_id]]

    • [[event.product_name]]

    • [[event.product_type]]

    • [[event.billing_model_name]]

    • [[event.next_recurring_date]]

    • [[event.current_prepaid_count]]

    • [[event.subscription_type]]

    • [[event.subscription_id]]

Here is an example email template for the "Rebill Success" event.

Dear [[event.$first_name]] [[event.$last_name]],

This email is to inform you that we have successfully charged your card for [[event.product_name]].

If you would like to make any changes, please log into your account here:


Rebill Decline

This can be used to notify the consumer of a failed rebill transaction.

Here are the event-specific values that are being sent to Omnisend that can be used to hone your email flows or enrich the body of your email templates with personalized information.

  • Trigger Name: “stickyio_rebill_decline"

  • Event Payload:

    • [[event.$first_name]]

    • [[event.$last_name]]

    • [[event.$email]]

    • [[event.member_portal_link]]

    • [[event.subscription_id]]

    • [[event.product_type]]

    • [[event.decline_reason]]

Here is an example email template for the "Rebill Decline" event.

Dear [[event.$first_name]] [[event.$last_name]],

This email is to inform you that we attempted to charge your account but it resulted in a decline for the following reason: [[event.decline_reason]].

If you would like to update your card on file, please log into your account here:


Subscription Paused

This can be used to notify the consumer of a successfully paused subscription chain.

Here are the event-specific values that are being sent to Omnisend that can be used to hone your email flows or enrich the body of your email templates with personalized information.

  • Trigger Name: “stickyio_subscription_paused"

  • Event Payload:

    • [[event.$first_name]]

    • [[event.$last_name]]

    • [[event.$email]]

    • [[event.member_portal_link]]

    • [[event.billing_model_name]]

    • [[event.product_name]]

    • [[event.product_id]]

    • [[event.product_type]]

    • [[event.subscription_id]]

Here is an example email template for the "Subscription Paused" event.

Dear [[event.$first_name]] [[event.$last_name]],

This email is to inform you that your subscription has been paused.

If you would like to resume your subscription, please log into your account here:


Subscription Resumed

This can be used to notify the consumer of a successfully resumed subscription chain.

Here are the event-specific values that are being sent to Omnisend that can be used to hone your email flows or enrich the body of your email templates with personalized information.

  • Event Name: “stickyio_subscription_resumed"

  • Event Payload:

    • [[event.$first_name]]

    • [[event.$last_name]]

    • [[event.$email]]

    • [[event.member_portal_link]]

    • [[event.product_name]]

    • [[event.product_id]]

    • [[event.product_type]]

    • [[event.billing_model_name]]

    • [[event.subscription_id]]

Here is an example email template for the "Subscription Resumed" event.

Dear [[event.$first_name]] [[event.$last_name]],

We would like to let you know that you subscription for [[event.product_name]] has been resumed.

If you would like to modify your subscription, please log into your account and make any changes that you feel are necessary here:


Subscription Cancelled

This can be used to notify the consumer of a successfully cancelled subscription chain.

Here are the event-specific values that are being sent to Omnisend that can be used to hone your email flows or enrich the body of your email templates with personalized information.

  • Trigger Name: “stickyio_subscription_cancelled"

  • Event Payload:

    • [[event.$first_name]]

    • [[event.$last_name]]

    • [[event.$email]]

    • [[event.member_portal_link]]

    • [[event.product_name]]

    • [[event.product_id]]

    • [[event.product_type]]

    • [[event.billing_model_name]]

    • [[event.subscription_id]]

    • [[cancellation_source]]

Here is an example email template for the "Subscription Cancelled" event.

Dear [[event.$first_name]] [[event.$last_name]],

This email is to inform you that your subscription has been cancelled.

If you would like to reactivate your subscription, please log into your account here:


Go-Live Checklist

Want to make sure you're ready to go? Review this list and confirm you have followed each of the following steps.

  • Connect your Omnisend account by API key

  • Configure toggles for notification events in Subscriptions

  • Build email workflows (automation) for each of your desired events in Omnisend

  • Build email templates for each of your desired events in Omnisend

  • Optional - Send test emails through Omnisend

Additional Links and Resources

Congratulations! You're now an expert on building transactional notifications through Omnisend and configuring triggers within the Subscriptions app for BigCommerce.

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