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BlueSnap Gateway
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Created December 15, 2022

Updated: January 8, 2024

To configure BlueSnap Gateway into your CRM, you will go to the Settings >Providers page. Select the 'Actions' drop-down arrow, then select 'Add New Provider Profile'. From there, you'll need to select the 'Type' as Payment/Gateway and select BlueSnap from the drop-down. Fill out the gateway parameters which are outlined below and click “Save”.

To Use 3DS with Blue Snap Gateway, please see the directions towards the end of this article.

Additionally, to use Google Pay with BlueSnap, please see the information at the end of this article.

For more information on this Gateway visit:

These parameters are briefly described here for your reference:

Alias: Name that you will assign to the gateway. This is for internal purposes only; it helps you identify a specific gateway account among several of them in your CRM.

Username: This will be provided to you by BlueSnap.

Password: This will be provided to you by BlueSnap.

Currency: This provider offers multiple currencies. To see a full list, please click the 'currency' drop down within your gateway profile.

Test Mode: Set to YES if you would like to use this gateway in Test Mode.

Enable Delayed Capture: allows you to authorize the payment on day 1 and capture it in “x” number of days. Applies to initials and recurring orders, it creates the orders in a “Pending” status and they won’t be sent to fulfillment until the charge is captured and the status is updated to “Approved”.

Delayed Capture Days: number of days in which you wish to capture the charge, this is to be used with Enable Delayed Capture.

Capture On Shipment?: Set to Yes if you want to capture an authorization once an order is marked a shipped in the CRM. Also, an order will remain as pending in the system until the authorization is captured upon shipment. Set to No if you want the standard authorization and capture process for your orders. Optional.


There are 2 Required Fields on the Merchant Account Details tab.

*Descriptor - This will be the MID Descriptor

*Customer Service Number - The customer service number assigned to the MID

There is 1 Required Field on the Limits and Fees tab

*Global Monthly Cap - This will be the sales amount allowed monthly on this MID

To maximize the efficiency of reporting / analytics we suggest you take a moment and fill out the rest of the fields. These will all be used in’s profitability reports.

For field definitions on all of the fields on the Merchant Account Details Tab and the Limits & Fees Tab - click here- overview of gateway providers.

Once your gateway profile has been created, then you will go through your campaigns and assign the gateway to the corresponding campaign(s).


All implementations for 3D Secure for Bluesnap are on the front-end. In short - The merchant adds bluesnap script to their checkout pages and obtains a threeDSecureReferenceId and sends it to sticky in the new_order API in this field - acs_trans_id .

sticky supports the following BlueSnap 3DS Integration Methods - Choose 1 of them.

  1. 3D Secure with Plain Text Cards

  2. 3D Secure in Payment Request API (W3C)

  3. 3D Secure in Hosted Payment Fields

3D Secure with Plain Text Cards

The Steps

  1. Using the Blue Snap directions for their 3D Secure with Plain Text method the merchant will add steps 1 - 4 onto their front end checkout process. Directions for those steps can be found here

  2. Once steps 1-4 in the BlueSnap documentation are complete - the merchant will create the payload for the sticky new-order API and send to sticky.

    1. IMPORTANT - the threeDSecureReferenceId that was received from BlueSnap needs to be send in the new_order call to sticky in the acs_trans_id field.

    2. The sticky API documentation for the new order call can be found here

    3. here is the image of the acs_trans_id field

  3. Sticky will handle step #5 of the Blue Snap 3DS documentation upon receipt of the new_order_api call with the aforementioned 3DS fields included.

  4. Sticky will send the Blue Snap response back to the merchant which will include the transaction decision - approved/declined.

3D Secure in Hosted Payment Fields

  1. Using the Blue Snap directions for their 3D Secure in Hosted Payment Fields method the merchant will handle steps 1 - 5 onto their front end checkout process. Directions for those steps can be found here

  2. Once steps 1-5 in the BlueSnap documentation are complete - the merchant will create the payload for the sticky new-order API and send to sticky.

    1. IMPORTANT - the pftoken that was received from BlueSnap needs to be send in the new_order call to sticky in the wallet_token field.

    2. The sticky API documentation for the new order call can be found here

  3. Sticky will handle step #6 of the Blue Snap 3DS documentation upon receipt of the new_order_api call with the aforementioned 3DS fields included.

  4. Sticky will send the Blue Snap response back to the merchant which will include the transaction decision - approved/declined.

3D Secure in Payment Request API (W3C)

  1. Using the Blue Snap directions for their Payment Request API (W3C) which can be found here

  2. The merchant will need to use Ajax to implement this method.

  3. Once the transaction is 3D verified the merchant can send sticky a new_order_api call with the pf token in the wallet_token field and add threeDS : "true" in the sdk request object

    The sticky API documentation for the new order call can be found here

  4. Sticky will send the transaction to BlueSnap and send back their response to the merchant - approved/declined.

Here is a HIGH LEVEL Flow Chart for further Clarity

Adding Google Pay to Blue Snap

The Google Pay button will need to be added to your checkout page. Instructions for that process can be found in Blue Snap's documentation, which can be referenced here.

  1. The payment request button (a single integration for Google Pay payment methods):

In the New Order API call to, the payload must include the following:

Credit Card Type equal to googlepay



Wallet Token equal to encoded payment token returned from Braintree

"wallet_token": the encodedPaymenttoken

Please make sure to thoroughly test this process before making the payment option available on your website checkout page.

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