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Create Customer Email Notifications
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Written by Support
Updated over 5 months ago

February 02, 2011
Updated: November 6, 2023 Platform offers you a list of email notifications that you can send out from the Platform using your SMTP server, just be aware that these email notifications should only be enabled on your main products, not on your upsells.

These email notifications are:

  • Order Confirmation: gets sent out as soon as the order is placed, you can include fields such as order Id, order total, shipping info, and more

  • Order Refund: gets sent out when a refund is issued on the order, whether it is a partial or a full refund, you can include the amount being refunded

  • RMA Notification: gets sent out when an RMA number is issued on the order, you can include the RMA number

  • Void Notification: gets sent out when the order gets voided, you can include the voided amount

  • Payment Issue Notification: gets sent out after the recurring order gets placed on hold after all decline manager attempts.

  • Cancellation Notification: gets sent out when recurring has been manually stopped on the order

  • Shipping Confirmation: gets sent out when the order receives a tracking number on it and gets marked as “Shipped”, you can include tracking number

  • Return Notification: gets sent out when an RMA order has been marked or updated as order return

  • Pending Offline Payment: gets sent out when an offline payment order is processed, and the order is pending receipt of payment

  • Subscription Notification: this notification can be added to subscription products, it gets sent out "x" number of days before the next scheduled billing; you specify the number of days within the template. You can also specify the payment type for the notification. For further information on VISA's rule for recurring transactions, please visit the file located at the bottom of the page.

  • Expired Card Notification:  When enabled, an email will be sent to a customer when their credit card has expired at the time of their rebill.  

  • Delayed Charge Notification: notifies the customer when a trial ends and the delayed charge is successful.

  • Product Instruction Notification: notifies the customer when a product /products are purchased based on the choices you selected in email Triggers - (ALL, Initial or Subscriptions)All orders - Every order will have a separate email that goes out for each product in that order.

  • Subscription Orders - Every Subscription order will have a separate email that goes out for each product in that order

  • Initial Orders - Every Initial order will have a separate email that goes out for each product in that order

  • Decline Notification: gets sent out when the order has declined.  This type can also be configured to send a different message  based on the decline salvage attempt. (i.e; Attempt 1 = Message 1, Attempt 2 = Message 2). Please see below for instructions.

  • Consent Request Notification: is sent out when the order requires consent.  This notification is sent to the customer 'X' number of days (pre-alert days) before the rebill, to allow the customer to provide their consent.

  • Consent Confirmation Notification: this notification is sent after the consumer consents to the rebill confirming that action.

  • Gift Order Notification:  this notification is sent after the gift has been shipped.  

  • Member Creation:  This notification is generated after a member signs up and creates their account.  These notifications do not need to be attached to products.

  • Member Forgot Password:  This notification is created when an existing member selects the forgot password link on the membership portal of your site  

  • Pending Order Notification:  This notification is sent out when an order is placed into pending status. 

Notification for first rebill declines (not in decline manager) - This would reflect the FIRST decline for a subscription, before the order goes into decline manager. You'll need to include the [###REBILL_DECLINE_START###] and [###REBILL_DECLINE_END###] tokens wrapped around the message body. This will send the message body within the segment tokens.

How to Send a Different Email Message for each Decline Manager Attempt

If you want to send a different notification to the customer based on their decline manager attempt, you can use the segment tokens [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_1_START###] and [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_1_END###] wrapped around the message body. This will send the message body within the segment tokens. 

To define the message that will be sent for the default notification, you can use the segment tokens [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_DEFAULT_START###] and [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_DEFAULT_END###] wrapped around the message body. This will send the message body within the segment tokens.

All can be used in the same message body to send a different message to customers based on their decline manager attempt:

[###RETRY_ATTEMPT_1_START###] Attempt 1 Message [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_1_END###]

[###RETRY_ATTEMPT_2_START###] Attempt 2 Message [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_2_END###]

[###RETRY_ATTEMPT_3_START###] Attempt 3 Message [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_3_END###]

[###RETRY_ATTEMPT_4_START###] Attempt 4 Message [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_4_END###]

[###RETRY_ATTEMPT_5_START###] Attempt 5 Message [###RETRY_ATTEMPT_5_END###]

It will be the same for attempts 6-10, you'll just need to replace the digits.

 All these emails will be automatically sent out by Platform when they get assigned to a product, and any of the above referred actions is applied to an order that contains that product.

NOTE: The 'Member Creation' and 'Member Forgot Password' trigger events are the only events that do not need to be assigned to the product.  All other notifications must be assigned to the product in order to be triggered.

Creating your Message Template:

The first step to create an email notification will be to create your message. You will go to Admin > Email Notifications > Message Template and click on “Create Template”. You will see the following pop up: Platform already has a standard template for each type of email notification, so when you select the type of message that you are creating from the drop down menu, the system will actually take you to the default template from the Platform. Then, you will have the opportunity to personalize it based on your preferences, or you can always use the default template that has been provided to you by the system.

Please notice that there will be two versions, an HTML version and a Plain Text version, when you personalize your message just make sure you add the same content to both versions. The HTML version counts with a great tool bar to help you create a unique message:

To view the different tokens that you can use on your message, to personalize it based on the order details of each customer, just click on “View Tokens”:.  You can search tokens by typing the name you are looking for in the text box - this will shorten the list.

How to Send a Different Email Message for Initial Orders vs. Rebills

If you want to send a different notification to the customer based on an initial purchase, you can use the segment tokens [###INITIAL_ORDER_START###] and [###INITIAL_ORDER_END###] wrapped around the message body. This will send the message body within the segment tokens.

To define the notification that will be sent for the subscription rebills, you can use the segment tokens [###REBILL_ORDER_START###] and [###REBILL_ORDER_END###] wrapped around the message body. This will send the message body within the segment tokens.

Both can be used in the same message body to send a different message to customers based on if they are opting into a new subscription or rebilling on a current subscription.

How to Use the Retry Discount Segment Tokens

If you desire to send an order confirmation notification to your customer which includes the retry discount percentage and amount they received, then you will need to use segment tokens e.g. [###DEFAULT_START###] and [###DEFAULT_END###] to segment your default and retry discount messages.

The example listed below shows you how to properly setup your order confirmation template using the segment tokens. In using the segment tokens, the system will send the default message to those whose customers who are successful on their first attempt, and will send the retry discount message to those customers who are receiving a retry discount based on your settings in the subscription management area of the Platform.


Thank you for purchasing this product!

Here are your details!



Here are the billing details for your retry attempt. We have taken {retrydiscountpct} off of your order for a total discount of {retrydiscountamt}.



How to Send a Different Email Message for Initial Orders vs. Rebills

If you want to send a different notification to the customer based on an initial purchase, you can use the segment tokens [###INITIAL_ORDER_START###] and [###INITIAL_ORDER_END###] wrapped around the message body. This will send the message body within the segment tokens.

To define the notification that will be sent for the subscription rebills, you can use the segment tokens [###REBILL_ORDER_START###] and [###REBILL_ORDER_END###] wrapped around the message body. This will send the message body within the segment tokens.

Both can be used in the same message body to send a different message to customers based on if they are opting into a new subscription or rebilling on a current subscription.

Tpl Tokens

The template represents a single row for a product detail listing. Meaning it will be used and repeated for all products. In order for the template to stay preserved within the wysiwyg (the message editor (*what you see is what you get*)) it will be wrapped in HTML Comment Tags e.g. <!-- template -->. In addition to this, the template needs to be wrapped in the template-row tags e.g. {tpl_product_row} template {tpl_product_row}. Notice the tag at the beginning, before the actual template and at the end, after the template. so the end result is as follows
<!-- {tpl_product_row} template {tpl_product_row} -->
A full working example is below:

 <td class="label" style="width:100%">
 ({tpl_product_id}) {tpl_product_name}</td>
 <td style="border: 0px solid red; text-align: center; width: 50px;">
 <td style="border: 0px solid red; text-align: center; width: 50px;">
 <td style="border: 0px solid red; text-align: center; width: 50px;">

Giro Tokens 

If you are using the Pacnet Gateway and have assigned Giro as a payment type on your campaign, then the following tokens can be used with your email message templates. The tokens can be used with any email message template, but it is intended to be used with the Pending Offline Payment email notification.

 {giroaccountname} Giro account name
{giroaccountnumber} Giro account number
{girobankname} Giro bank name
{girobankaddress} Giro bank address
{girosortcode} Giro sort code

{giroiban} Giro IBAN {giroswift} Giro Swift code 

Other Tokens

{orderdatetimecustom} - This token can be used to customized your message templates with a date format that is different than the standard US date format. If you are using this token, you will need to send a request to, and include the desired date format you would like to use.

While you are working on your message and the same is not ready to be used, you should have the Publish field set to No. Once your message is ready to be used, then you will set this field to Yes.

When you are done with your message template, just click “Save” at the bottom of the page.

{gateway_specific_html} - This email event token is used with the Cobre Bem gateway to generate a link to the consumer to download and print their Boleto. 

How to Build Custom Product Summaries

Through the use of Tpl tokens, you can develop custom product summaries for usage within order or shipping confirmation emails.

As described above within the Tpl token section, the template will be wrapped in HTML Comment Tags e.g. <!-- template -->. In addition to this, the template needs to be wrapped in the template-row tags e.g. {tpl_product_row} template {tpl_product_row}. Notice the tag at the beginning, before the actual template and at the end, after the template. so the end result is as follows

<!-- {tpl_product_row} template {tpl_product_row} -->

A working Tpl token example was provided above, but a further example is noted below with HTML usable in place of a {product_summary} token:

<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" id="orderTotalSummary" style="font-size: inherit;" width="100%">
<tr style="font-weight: bold">
<td align="left">Product Name</td>
<td style="text-align: center; padding-right: 8px; width: 48px;">Qty</td>
<!-- {tpl_product_row}
<td class="label">{tpl_product_name}</td>
<td style="text-align: center; padding-right: 8px; width: 110px;">{tpl_product_quantity}</td>
{tpl_product_row} -->
<td colspan="2">
<h3 style="width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;">&nbsp;</h3>
<td align="right">Sub Total</td>
<td align="right">{subtotal}</td>
<tr style="display_none_if_empty({shippingtotal})">
<td align="right">Shipping</td>
<td align="right">{shippingtotal}</td>
<tr style="display_none_if_empty({orderdiscount})">
<td align="right">Discount</td>
<td align="right">{orderdiscount}</td>
<tr style="display_none_if_empty({salestax_amt})">
<td align="right">Sales Tax</td>
<td align="right">{salestax_amt}</td>
<tr style="display_none_if_empty({vattax_amt})">
<td align="right">VAT Tax</td>
<td align="right">{vattax_amt}</td>
<td colspan="2">
<h3 style="width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;">&nbsp;</h3>
<td align="right">Total</td>
<td align="right">{ordertotal}</td>

In this example, the first <tr> row displays the header line with "Product Name" and "Qty." The comment tag <!-- {tpl_product_row} acts as a loop for listing all products in the order. The loop is closed with the comment tag {tpl_product_row} -->. Within this block, you can use product information tokens like {tpl_product_name} and {tpl_product_quantity}.

Available product line tokens are described below:




Product ID


Product default image


Product name


Purchased product quantity


Product attributes


Product description


Comma-separated product license keys


Product offer name


Billing model name


Digital product URL


Product license keys in <li> tags


Total cost of the product


Calculated price of the product


Total sales tax amount (excluding percentage info)


Total VAT tax amount (excluding percentage info)


Total shipping amount (excluding percentage info)


Order total discount including coupon, volume discount, subscription credits and other parameters of discounts


Subtotal of the order


Total amount of the order

Setting Up your SMTP Mail Server:

This will be your second step to create an email notification. You will go to Email Notifications > SMTP Mail Servers and click on “Add SMTP”.

The SMTP abbreviation stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is a protocol for sending email messages from one server to another. It defines a message format and a procedure to route messages through the Internet from a source to a destination via email.

You must first set up an account with a mail server, and this mail server will provide you with the SMTP credentials that are needed.

You will be able to use multiple mail servers, or the same mail server for different trigger events.

You will fill out the form with your SMTP Mail Server details, and authenticate the same, so please make sure your mail server is set up to perform SMTP authentication.

If the SMTP profile is not ready to be used, you will set the Publish field to No, once it is all set up and ready to be used then you will change the setting on this field and set it to Yes.

When you are finished setting up your SMTP profile just click “Save” at the bottom of the form.


  • Some SMTP mail servers do not support SMTP authentication; however, most of them will still send out the emails without any problem. We just recommend you to test them first to confirm if they work even without the SMTP authentication or not. The mail servers that are not compatible with Platform are GoDaddy,RackSpace, and Office365.

  • If using Google for your SMTP, please leverage the following article for 'turning on less secure app access'

  • If an SMTP gets 3 authentication failures in a row it will be automatically disabled by the system.

Creating your Trigger Events:

This is the last step of creating your email notifications; here is where you are going to attach your SMTP profile, to your message template and the event type; being the event types: Order Confirmation, Order Refund, RMA/Return Notification, Void Notification, Payment Issue Notification, Cancellation Notification, and Shipping Confirmation.

You will go to Admin >Email Notifications > Trigger Events and click on “Create Event”. Select the SMTP profile by the name you assigned to it, select an event type, assign a name to this event that will help you differentiate it from other similar events, add a brief description, and select a message templates by the name that you have assigned to the template.

While you are working on your trigger event and the same is not ready to be used, you should have the Publish field set to No. Once your trigger event is ready to be used, then you will set this field to Yes.

When you are done with your trigger event, just click “Save” at the bottom of the page.

The system will list your trigger events as shown in the next illustration showing relevant details such as the products that have been associated to each particular trigger event, the user account who created the trigger event, the last update date and the user account who applied the update. Also there will be features available to you as edit, delete or copy the trigger event.

Assigning the Email Notification to your Product:

Now that you have completed all the steps to create your email notifications, you can assign it to your products. You will just need to click on the ellipsis to the right of your trigger event to assign to a product, or multiple products as shown below.

Deleting Message Templates, SMTP Profiles and Trigger Events:

You will not be able to delete any Message Template if it is assigned to a Trigger Event, the same way you will not be able to delete any SMTP Profile if it is assigned to a Trigger Event, and a Trigger Event cannot be deleted if it is assigned to a product.

In order to delete a Message Template and/or SMTP Profile you must go to the Trigger Event that it is assigned to, remove it from there, and assign other Message Template and/or SMTP Profile to the Trigger Event, or delete the Trigger Event completely.

In order to delete a Trigger Event you will just need to click "delete" under the trigger event.

Free Trial Period Merchants Acquirers must have specific procedures in place in order to underwrite an ecommerce merchant offering free trial periods.  When underwriting an ecommerce merchant that uses free trial periods for a particular product or service, after which the terms or cost of a product and service changes and customers are thereafter charged on a recurring basis, an acquirer must develop standard practices to: Ensure merchants and sponsored merchants clearly disclose the terms and conditions of the free trial promotion, including:- Clear disclosure the cardholder will be charged unless the cardholder expressly cancels the before the trial period expires- The date or time period after which any charges will commence- Clear and simple steps to be taken by the cardholder to cancel the transaction prior to the end of the trial period- Clear instructions and policy for returning products and obtaining refunds- General cancellation policy Review merchants using trial periods during underwriting, and periodically thereafter, to ensure no deceptive or misleading sales and marketing practices are used. Periodically monitor free-trial merchant dispute rates (chargebacks and credit vouchers/returns)and complaint board activity as a way to measure the merchant’s customer service efforts. Ensure cardholders are notified via email shortly before the trial period ends, in order inform them that their card will imminently be charged unless they take action to cancel the trial.Merchants using free or discounted trial periods should be managed using a risk-based approach that applies incremental risk management controls and oversight to entities representing heightened risk. Acquirers that fail to properly supervise merchants and agents that abuse free trial periods may be included in Visa’s merchant chargeback and fraud monitoring programs and subject to the imposition of Member Risk Reduction Measures. 


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