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Custom Fields
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

January 25, 2019
Updated: March 1, 2020

Many merchants need to store information that is specific to their business or industry, you'll create custom fields. Custom Fields are located in records and can add up to 250 custom fields per record type in (contact, referral partner, company, task, opportunity, order, subscription.) The field type you choose should correspond with type of data you want to store in a field that satisfies the end goal for the data (i.e. reporting, merge field, etc.)

Adding a Custom Field

  1. Go to Settings > Custom Fields and select 'Add' via the 'Actions' drop-down menu.

Record Types - Select the Record type where this Custom Field will be used. Record types refer to the various entities in the platform; they indicate what entity the custom field will be associated with. For example, if you create a custom field for Orders, you will be able to attach the field and values to an Order record. You will also go to the Order details to see the Custom field values associated with the Order.

  • Contacts – In there are 2 types of contacts, Prospects and Customers. A contact custom field will allow values to be stored in the field on a Prospect or Customer record. A prospect that converts into a customer will retain the value stored in a custom field.

  • Orders - Custom field values may be associated with a transaction, this is useful for storing specific information about a single order.

  • Products – Custom field values will allow more information to be stored about a particular product. This is useful for storing product information to display to the customer on the front.

  • IE: Product Ingredients, Dosage, Side effects, materials, etc.

 Field Name - The name of the Custom Field as it will appear when a value is associated to a record.

 Email Token – The name of the token that will be used when configuring email templates. This will allow the Custom Field value to display in the email.

 Field Types - Field types define the format of the value that will be used in the Custom Field. Depending on the data you are trying to store

*Warning! Once you save a custom field, you will not be able to change its field type. In the case that the wrong field type is used, you will need to delete the incorrect custom field and restart the creation process. 

Text - Free-form text (Supports letters, numbers, and symbols).

  • Useful to store all types of data. Often to capture custom information. These fields are not as useful for reporting, however are used as reference fields to be used for marketing.*

  • Max 1000 characters.

Number - Numeric Field (Supports decimal)Useful to store numbers data; (currencies, percentages, ID’s.)Number fields can be used to calculate sums or find averages,
Date - A date field in either YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY format. ex: 10/15/2020

  • Useful to store custom dates like expiration dates, birthdays, and special events.

  • Dates can be used in marketing communication or to aggregate date

Yes/No – Usually displayed as a radio field that only has two options (Boolean)

  • Useful when the field only has two acceptable values.

  • Can be used to opt in to marketing communication or ask True/False questions.

List of Options - Create a predefined set of options to select from.

  • This is helpful for standardizing data and can be used to allow consumers to select from a list of options.

  • Allow for multiple options to be selected - For those times when you need to select more option than one.

  • To Add a list of options simply type the first option in the box then click Add

Where can I see the Custom Field values attached to a record?

 The Custom Field value will be stored with the respective record depending on the Custom Field record type. Meaning Product custom field values will be viewable on the product record in the interface and via API; the value will not be associated to Orders and/or Contacts even if the order record contains a product that has a custom field.

When selecting a record type keep in mind how the data will be retrieved, this will help determine the record type the custom field should be associated with. Determine if the field specific to a contact record, transaction record, or product.

Adding a Value to a Custom Field

Custom Field values for Contacts and Orders are added via API. The documentation can be found here.


If you would like to add the Customers Size, style, Favorite Color, income, Pets name, Weight etc you would use the 'Field Type' as Text, so that the customer can enter in the value.

If you wanted to add something such as the customers Age, you would use the Number as the 'Field Type', so that the customer can enter in the numeric value for their age.

If you wanted to add a field for the customers birth date, you would use the 'Field Type' as Date, so that the customer can enter in their birth date.

If you wanted to add an option for a yes or no option, for such as if the customer has allergies, you would use the Yes/No option as the 'Field Type'.

If you wanted the customer to be able to select from a list of options, you would use the List of Options as the 'Field Type'. We recommend to use this if possible, as it is a multiple choice for the customer and doesn't leave room for any error.

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