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Order Details
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

November 10, 2010
March 1, 2020

The order details contain many functions that you can apply to the order, such as:

Stop Product Recurring
 When a customer purchases a product, the product details will be displayed under the main order details. Under the main order details you will see the main product listed and also an upsell if included on the order. If the product is a recurring product, the system will give you the option to stop its recurring at any time, and also refund & mark as returned as shown below.

Stop Recurring:  To stop recurring on a line item, you will need to click on the square icon under features.

Refund: To refund a specific line item, you will need to click on the money icon under features. Once you click on that icon, the following box will appear:

Return: You will need to click on the arrow icon to mark a product as returned. This symbol will ONLY be available IF the product is shippable. If the product is NOT shippable, this symbol will be greyed out.

NOTE: The return and refunds by product are not yet supported by the automated return profiles.

ALL other order details will remain the same.

Force Bill Now

This feature will allow you to generate the recurring order out of an original order, immediately, regardless of its Next Recurring Date.
 There will be different scenarios where you will need it. For instance, you had to stop the recurring on a particular order as per your customer request, and the order gets placed on hold. A few weeks later, your customer decides that he wants to keep his recurring product and he wants it right away; you will go to the order that was placed on hold, open the Order Details, and click “Force Bill Now”. It will automatically generate the recurring order and bill the customer, regardless of the original Next Recurring Date.

Place New Order

If you need to place a new order for a current customer, go to one of its orders details, look for “Place New Order” and click on it. This feature will copy all the required information from your customer to place a new order; it will take you to a new page where you can select the new product your customer wants to purchase, and process the new order.
 Even from a voided or refunded order, you can still click on “Place New Order”, and the system will copy the required data and allow you to place the new order.

Next Rebill Product

This feature will be enabled in any order with an active subscription. It allows you to change the next recurring product on a per case basis and the system will keep track of any changes applied for the next recurring product under the Order History. Just click on the drop down menu and select the product that you want the order to recur next.

Rebill Cycle

This feature will be available whenever the product is set to recur on itself. It will allow you to personalize the billing frequency of your subscriptions on a per case basis by allowing you to change the frequency as needed. Once you click on the link, you will be prompted to set the subscription cycle based on the subscription type that set on the product. The system will keep track of these changes under the Order History.

 Applying Discounts to Recurring Orders
 To apply a discount on a recurring order, you will go under order details and look for the field that says “Rebill Discount”. There will be a space in blank that you will fill out with the percentage (%) discount that you wish to apply, and click “Save” at the bottom of the page. Once it has been saved, the discount will be applied to all its recurring orders.

Manually Posting and Re-shipping Orders to Fulfillment

Manually Posting a New Shippable Order to Fulfillment gives you the ability to manually post a new shippable order to your automated fulfillment provider before our system does it automatically once per day. If you desire to manually post a new shippable order to your fulfillment provider, there will be an option to click next to the tracking number field under order details which states “Post shipment to (Name of Fulfillment Provider)”. Once done, the order will remain in the approved folder until a tracking number has been received from your fulfillment provider.

Re-shipping a Previously Shipped Order also gives you the ability to re-ship an order that was previously shipped by your fulfillment provider. If you desire to re-ship a previously shipped order to a customer, there will be an option to click next to the tracking number field under order details which states “Post reshipment to (Name of Fulfillment Provider)”. The previous tracking number would then be placed in the order history, and the order would remain in the approved folder until a new tracking number has been received from your fulfillment provider.

*Both of the aforementioned options will only be available with our automated fulfillment providers. The options are not supported with Custom FTP Fulfillment.

Split Shipping

Split shipping is on an order level basis, it's to allow you to add tracking numbers to each individual line item on the order. There are NO fulfillment providers that support it currently, so there is no automatic adding of tracking for split shipment. This is only for manual addition of tracking and only enabled by clicking Split Shipment in the Orders Details UI. If you are interested in using the split shipping option, please reach out to to have it enabled in your account.

Void / Refund an Order
 If one of your customers requests to cancel an order within 24 hours of placing the order, or before the charge gets settled, you can just void the order. You will go to the order details, look for Void/Refund feature and click on Void. The entire order will be voided and sent to Void/Refund tab.
 On the other hand, if you need to do a refund, whether is total or partial, you will enter the amount to be refunded, select if you want to keep the recurring active after the refund, by selecting Yes or Not next to the refund option (in case the order has a recurring product), and click Refund.
 If you fail to select “Yes”, the recurring will automatically stop.

Issue a subscription credit

Subscription credits can be issued to customers on any active subscription that will carry throughout the subscription until it is completely used.

When a subscription credit is issued, the credit will be used on the next rebill. If the order total is less than the subscription credit total, then the remaining subscription credit will be used in the following rebill and so on until the full subscription credit has been used.

 Generate an RMA Number
 You can generate a Return Materials Authorization number (RMA) directly from the order details. Look for the field named “RMA”, click on the drop down menu and select the reason why your customer is returning the product(s). Before you click on “Generate RMA Notification”, you will want to select whether or not you want to keep the recurring active after the RMA is generated. Afterwards, the system will provide you with an RMA number. It will appear as shown below.

Returning an Order

You can mark an order as returned once the product(s) have been received from the customer, and an RMA number is not required in order to mark an order as returned. Look for the field named “Returns”, click on the drop down menu and select the return reason. After you select the return reason, click on “Order Returned” in order for the system to mark the order as returned.


Flag the Order as Fraud or Chargeback
 You can flag an order as Fraud or Chargeback at any time. You just have to go under its Order Details, look for “Flags” and click on the checkbox for Fraud, the checkbox for Chargeback, or both, depending on your case. To save the changes, click on “Save” at the bottom of the page.

When you flag an order as Chargeback the system will ask you if you want to stop all active subscriptions for the customer or if you want to keep the subscription recurring active.

Order Confirmation

This field allows your call center agents to mark the confirmation status of the order whether it has been Confirmed or Not Confirmed, This field will be included in the CSV file exported from your Orders page, as it is mainly used for fulfillment purposes to identify when an order has been confirmed and is good to be shipped out.

If you are working with one of the fulfillment centers integrated in our Platform, you can request to have our system hold the new order until it has been marked as “Confirmed” before sending it out to your fulfillment center. This is extremely useful for orders that come through at night or during weekends when you have no staff confirming the orders real time, and do not want to send out an order to be shipped until it has been confirmed. To have this service enabled feel free to send your request to

 Order History
 In this last section of the Order Details the system will keep a history of any actions applied to the order, as well as a note box where you can manually add any notes to the order.
 The history will display: date, time, and applied action. If the action has been automatically applied by the system, it will say ; otherwise, it will display the name of the admin or the employee who applied it.
 The notes are also displayed with date, and time, along with the name of the person who submitted the note. 

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