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Manage Subscriptions
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Written by Support
Updated over 3 months ago

November 10, 2010
March 1, 2020

Subscription Forecast Management allows you to view forecasted revenue of subscription orders by date, campaign Id, and product Id, just make sure you select the 'order creation date from' within the advanced search filters to pull any older subscriptions.  By default, this page will only show subscriptions created within the past 30 - 60 days, so the 'order create date from' field is important to use to make sure you are including all subscriptions. On this page you can also find all of your future rebills.  In order to set your desired settings, just go to Payment Systems >Subscription Management.

The following provides an explanation of the fields to assist you with your subscription management settings:

Subscription Billing Settings:

Enable Subscription Billing: Select whether or not to enable subscription billing globally across your system. If you select “no”, then subscription billing will be paused globally across your system.

Enable Global Subscription Limit: Select whether or not to set a global subscription rebill limit. If you select “yes”, then an additional field will populate for you to enter a dollar amount. After a dollar amount is set, then rebills from all of your campaigns globally will process each day up to the limit that you have set.

If you desire to set a rebill subscription limit per campaign, then please visit the link below, and review the heading called Enable Daily Subscription limit. The global subscription limit must be disabled if you choose to set a rebill subscription limit per campaign.

Refer to Help article Create a New Campaign for further information

Limit Subscriptions by Campaign:

Limit Subscriptions by Campaign: If you select “yes”, then you will be able to select those campaigns which recurring billing will run on. The recurring billing will be paused on the campaigns that are not selected.

Processor Id Management: Select “Switch Processors” if you would like to change the processor Id on a batch of orders; just enter the new processor Id then click update all or update some. If you choose to update all, then the update of the new processor Id will apply to all orders which previously had the old processor. If you choose to update some, then the update of the new processor Id will only apply to those orders that you specify.

The following provides an illustration of the pop-up that you will see if you choose to update some processor Id’s. Once there, just enter your specified order Id’s in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format, then click on “Apply”. The processor Id change will only be applied to the orders that you have specified.

  • The switch processor option is only available if sticky processing is enabled in your gateway configuration.

Subscription Forecast Management

Subscription Forecast Management allows you to view forecasted revenue of subscription orders by date, campaign Id, and product Id. This feature also allows you to force the next gateway, and change the next recurring dates on subscriptions. The force the next gateway option is available when you change the view by dropdown field to “Next Billing Gateway” located next to the search field. You will be able to export the CSV file of your report on each page at any time if you need to.


Other View by Options:

The Subscription Forecast Management has 4 different views that will allow you to view forecasted revenue of subscription orders. These views are Next Billing Date, Next Billing Gateway, Non Billable Subscriptions, and All Active Subscriptions. Each of these views will give you a breakdown by date, campaign Id, and product Id. You will just need to click the drop-down arrow in the ‘view by’ section. To take actions on these views such as Change Selected Dates & Force Next Gateway you will need to click on the drop-down arrow next to ‘Actions’. Please view the descriptions below for each of these views:

Next Billing Date: This will be the view by default. Within the Next Billing Date, you will be able to see the total number of active subscriptions scheduled to bill by date. This also includes the Currency and Total Forecast. You have the option to drill down into each number of Total Active Subscriptions by clicking on the hyperlink.

Next Billing Gateway: Here you are going to find the number of Total Active Subscriptions, Next Billing Date, Gateway, Billing Configuration, Currency and Total Forecast. From this view you have the option to Change Selected Dates, Force Next Gateway, and Export CSV.

Also within this view, you have the option to remove the force on any gateways and also remove the preservation on subscriptions preserved to either classic cascade or intelligent cascade gateways.

Non Billable Subscriptions: This view shows a list of subscription orders which are not on hold, but are not currently being billed due to certain errors. The orders in this view will require further action in order for subscription billing to take place on them again. The following errors can cause a subscription to become non-billable:

  • Recurring Globally Turned off

  • Gateway Global Monthly Cap Maxed Out

  • Subscription Management- Load Balanced Subscription (No Preserved) - Has No Available Gateways

  • Load Balanced Preserved Subscription - Reserve Maxed Out

  • Campaign Has Reached its Daily Limit

  • Campaign Has Been Disabled From Recurring

On the View by Non-Billable Subscriptions you can choose to update the orders that have expired credit cards on them in bulk. Select the orders you wish to have updated and at the bottom of the page select “Change Expiration Date” and choose the number of years from the drop down that you want to increase the credit card expiration date by. You also have the option to “Change Selected Dates”, “Force Next Gateway” and Export CSV.

All Active Subscriptions: Select this option to view a list of all active subscription orders. From this view, you can also Change Selected Dates, Force Next Gateway and Export CSV.

There is the ability to search for items under each column as you drill down by entering the search criteria in the search field. The system will automatically populate the results for you once the search criteria is entered.

The following provides an illustration of changing selected dates, and forcing next gateway.

Change Selected Dates:

Force Next Gateway:

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