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Blacklist a Customer
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Written by Support
Updated over 5 years ago

April 17, 2012
Updated March 1, 2020

Advantage of the Blacklist feature:

This feature will be of great benefit to you; it will allow you to protect your business from those customers who may try to abuse the system, whether is by placing fraudulent orders, multiple chargebacks, or any other reason that may indicate that a particular customer is an undesirable customer.

How does the Blacklist work?

The system will globally blacklist a customer on your account based on information such as the credit card number, routing and checking account number, and email address. Once the customer has been blacklisted, he/she will not be able to place any future orders under any of your campaigns.


Who can be blacklisted?

The system requires of certain information, such as the credit card number and/or routing and checking account number, in order to blacklist a customer. Since prospects do not have any credit card and/or routing and checking account information in files, you will not be able to blacklist a prospect. But you will always be able to blacklist an active customer.

The Blacklist Folder:

This folder contains a list of all those customers that have been blacklisted. Any customer that has been blacklisted will have this icon in its order(s) status:

Search Blacklisted Customers

You can apply filters to narrow down the list of blacklisted customers displayed in your screen. You can search by first name, last name, IP address, credit card number, zip code, routing number, checking account number, or email address. Just enter the desired criteria and click on “Show Results”.

Blacklist Features

The blacklist also has some features available to you, such as Add Customer, Edit, and Delete.

Add Customer

You can manually add customers to your blacklist. Just click on “Add Customer” from the Blacklist Features and you will be prompted to enter first and last name, IP address, credit card number or routing and checking account number, zip code and email address. Once the information has been completed, click on “Save”.


You can always edit the details of a customer from your Blacklist. All you need to do is find the customer in your blacklist folder, and click on “Edit” from the blacklist features. The customer’s information will be displayed so you can apply the necessary changes, and once you are done just click “Save”.


You can delete a customer from the Blacklist at any time. Just find the customer in your Blacklist folder, and click on “Delete” from the blacklist features.

By deleting a customer from the Blacklist, you are not deleting it from the system; you are only deleting the blacklist status of the customer and sending it back to active customers.

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