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Tax Jar
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

May 22, 2019 

UPDATED March 1, 2020

Tax Jar is now integrated with the Platform. If you have an account with this tax provider, you can start taking advantage of this technology which allows you to post data directly to them through an automated process.

To configure  Tax Jar into your Platform instance, you will go to Settings>Providers and under ACTIONS select Add New Provider Profile.Select the type = Tax and select Tax Jar from the drop down. Fill out the required parameters which are outlined below and click “Save”.

For more information on this Provider click here 

These parameters are briefly described here for your reference:

Alias: Name that you will assign to the tax profile. This is for internal purposes only; it helps you identify a specific tax account among several of them in your platform.

Access Code: This will be provided to you by TaxJar.

Countries Filter: Select the countries for your tax request.

States Filter: Select the states for your tax request.

Tax Shipping: Specify if you will be charging tax on shipping.

Test Mode: Set to YES if you would like to use this gateway in Test Mode.


After you have configured your new Provider account into your Platform, you will assign it at the campaign level. This means that it will not be automatically be enabled on all your campaigns; instead, you will assign it to those campaigns that you choose to assign It too.


Be sure to set API access to true within the TaxJar nexus terminal (shown below) :

Additional Notes:

When using this provider, you have the option to configure the 'Tax Code' within each product configuration (Products>Products page). If there is a tax code configured on the product, we will send that to TaxJar. If there is no tax code configured on the product, we will send the product category name as the tax code.

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