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Smart Tags
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

April 17, 2012
Updated March 1, 2020 

The Platform now allows you to create customized smart tags that you can append to your prospect and customer records. With this feature you will be able to easily group together records with common criteria such as campaign, products, amount spent per customer’s lifetime, and more.

You can tag your records manually or through automation, and you will be able to see all tagged records from the Prospects page, the Customers page and the Exports from Admin Settings.

The first step to use this feature is to create your Smart Tags.

How do you do this?

To create your Smart Tags please go to Customers > Tags and from the Smart Tags’ Actions menu select the option ‘Create’, enter provide the tag name that you want to use and save it.

The tag name field accepts alphanumeric values and it has a maximum length of 25 characters. This can be edited or deleted at any time, even if you have the tag appended to an existing record.

From the Smart Tags’ Actions menu you will also see the options to mass delete your tags, and to export your tags in a CSV file.

You also have the option to delete Smart Tags after adding them. You will just select the Smart Tag via the checkbox on the left and then select the trash can to delete.

The second step will be to create your Smart Tag Automation profile.

After you have created your tag names, you can then set up the rules to automate the tagging of your records, whether you are tagging prospects, customers, or both.

First, from the Smart Tag Automation’s Actions menu please select the option ‘Create’, select whether you want to create the automation for prospect or for customer, and submit a name for your Smart Tag Automation profile. This profile name will help you differentiate one automation profile from another.

-  Prospect

If you are creating a Smart Tag Automation profile for Prospect, then the next step will be to define the conditions to tag the records.

Tag By Campaign: currently the only condition available for prospect; from the field ‘Parameter’ you select whether you want to tag prospects where the campaign equal (=), or not equal (Not =) the campaign Id that you select under ‘Criteria’; from the field ‘Criteria’ you will then select the campaign Id . Lastly, you will specify the tags that you want to use in the profile; the tags that have been added will appear in the ‘Tags’ box at the bottom of the profile. Only one campaign is supported per profile.

  •  Customer

If you are creating a Smart Tag Automation profile for Customer, then the next step is to select whether you want to tag customers that match all the conditions in the profile or customers that match any of the conditions in the profile. Next you will define these conditions; you can select to tag by Campaign, by product, by order total, by lifetime amount spent, or any combination of these.

Tag By Campaign: from the field ‘Parameter’ you select whether you want to tag customers where the campaign equal (=), or not equal (Not =) the campaign Id that you select under ‘Criteria’; from the field ‘Criteria’ you will then select the campaign Id. Only one campaign is supported per profile.

Tag By Product: from the field ‘Parameter’ you select whether you want to tag customers where the product equal (=), or not equal (Not =) the product Id that you select under ‘Criteria’; from the field ‘Criteria’ you will then select the product Id. Only one product is supported per profile.

Tag By Order Total: this condition has more options than the previous two, from the field ‘Parameter’ you can select if you want to tag customers where the order total is equal (=), lower (<), greater (>), lower or equal (< or =), or greater or equal (> or =) to the amount you specify in the field ‘Criteria’. In the field ‘Criteria’ you must specify a single amount.

Tag by Lifetime Amount Spent: similar to the condition above, from the field ‘Parameter’ you can select if you want to tag customers where the lifetime amount spent is equal (=), lower (<), greater (>), lower or equal (< or =), or greater or equal (> or =) to the amount you specify in the field ‘Criteria’. In the field ‘Criteria’ you must specify a single amount.

Tag by Product Category: from the field 'Parameter' you select whether you want to tag customers where the product category equal (=), or not equal (Not =) the product category Id that you select under 'Criteria', from the field 'Criteria' you will then select the product category Id.

From the Smart Tag Automation’s Actions menu you will also see the options to mass delete your Smart Tag Automation profiles, and to export your Smart Tag Automation profiles in a CSV file.

NOTE: Please be aware that the automation will apply from the moment you create the profile moving forward, it will not apply to any records in the past; any existing records can be tagged manually.

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