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Rocket Gate Payment Gateway
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago

February 3, 2016

UPDATED January 4, 2024

Rocket Gateway Integration uses XML and is currently not compatible with Flex Charge.

To configure  Rocket Gate Gateway into your CRM, you will go to Payments>Gateways, under ACTIONS select Add New Provider Profile.Select the type = Payment/Gateway and select Rocket Gate from the drop down.Fill out the gateway parameters which are outlined below and click “Save”.

For more information on this Gateway click here

These parameters are briefly described here for your reference:

Gateway Alias: For internal purposes only; it helps you identify a specific gateway account among others in your CRM.

Merchant ID: This will be provided to you by Rocket Gate.

Password ID: This will be provided to you by Rocket Gate.

Currency: Rocket Gate currently supports ARS, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CLP, COP, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, INR, JPY, KRW, MXN, MYR, NOK, NZD, PEN, PLN, RUB, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, TWD, USD & ZAR currencies.

Test Mode: Select if you would like to use Rocket Gate in test mode.

3D Secure: Select Yes if you will be using 3D Secure. Please note that using 3D Secure will require work on your check out page.

Points to be Aware of Regarding 3D Secure

  • 3Dredirect URL (three_d_redirect_url) is essential to be submitted with the New Order request. This will allow the consumer to redirect to the merchant's Thank You page, after the 3D authentication process.

  • 3D Secure is dynamic to each transaction and the processing bank determines if 3D Secure is needed on each transaction.

  • If 3DS is not needed, the transaction will process and we will return the OrderID and TransID in API response.

  • If 3DS is needed for the transaction, you will receive a 101 response code indicating that you need to submit the 3DS call with the order Id in it to finalize the sale.

  • Once transaction is verified, the consumer is redirected to the 3Dredirect URL (Thank You) that was provided in NewOrder request.

  • There are certain circumstances where the bank will require 3DS on the rebill transaction. This is outside of's control.

There are 2 Required Fields on the Merchant Account Details tab. *Descriptor - This will be the MID Descriptor *Customer Service Number - The customer service number assigned to the MID

There is 1 Required Field on the Limits and Fees tab *Global Monthly Cap - This will be the sales amount allowed monthly on this MID 

To maximize the efficiency of Reporting Analytics we suggest you take a moment and fill out the rest of the fields. These will all be used in’s profitability reports.

For field definitions on all of the fields on the Merchant Account Details Tab and the Limits & Fees Tab - click here- overview of gateway providers

Once your gateway profile has been created, then you will go through your campaigns and assign the gateway to the corresponding campaign(s).

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