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Dry Run Testing Gateway
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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

November 02, 2010  
UPDATED March 1, 2020

This is a special gateway, it does not require any merchant account and it will be accessible to every client; its main purpose is to allow you to test your campaigns.

Dry Run Testing Gateway will approve any credit card, regardless of its status. But since it is just a testing gateway and does not have any merchant, the credit card will only get approved, not charged. It is very helpful to test a new campaign’s conversion, or to test traffic.

When you create a new campaign and you want to make sure that everything has been set up correctly, you can always assign this testing gateway to it. It will allow you to place as many test orders as you need, and also to see every step of the ordering process.

You can even drive real traffic to it to test its conversion. For example, you have created a new campaign but you are not sure how good the conversion will be. In this case, you can assign the Dry Run Testing Gateway to the campaign, drive some traffic to it, and see how well your pages are converting. At the same time you can evaluate the quality of traffic you are getting. Just keep in mind that this is for testing only, the credit cards will not be charged, so you will need to make the customer aware that the order will not be processed for "X" reason.

into your CRM, you will go to Payments>Gateways, under ACTIONS select Add New Provider Profile.Select the type = Payment/Gateway and select Dry Run Testing from the drop down.Fill out the gateway parameters which are outlined below and click “Save”.

These parameters are described here for your reference:

Currency: the system currently supports ARS, AUD, BOB, BRL, CAD, CHF, CLP, COP, DKK, USD, EUR, GBP, HKD, INR, JPY, KRW, MXN, MYR,NOK, NZD, PEN, PHP, PLN, PYG, SEK, SGD, TRY, TWD and ZAR. Select one for your Dry Run Testing.

Gateway Alias: name that you will assign to the gateway. This is for internal purposes only; it helps you identify a specific gateway account among several of them.

There are 2 Required Fields on the Merchant Account Details tab. *Descriptor - This will be the MID Descriptor *Customer Service Number - The customer service number assigned to the MID

There is 1 Required Field on the Limits and Fees tab *Global Monthly Cap - This will be the sales amount allowed monthly on this MID 

To maximize the efficiency of Reporting Analytics we suggest you take a moment and fill out the rest of the fields. These will all be used in’s profitability reports.

For field definitions on all of the fields on the Merchant Account Details Tab and the Limits & Fees Tab - click here- overview of gateway providers

Once your gateway profile has been created, then you will go through your campaigns and assign the gateway to the corresponding campaign(s).

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