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Billing Scenarios
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Billing Scenarios

 November 10, 2010
March 1, 2020

At, we want to empower you with product knowledge so you can quickly adapt and respond to your business needs, setting you up for success. Our team has put together a collection of in-depth offerings to guide you through set up. Our hope is that it quickly gets you building strategic product offering for your subscribers. You'll find our most common scenarios for billing. recommends referring to the Product Creation and Billing Models Help Center articles before moving forward with Offers set up. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team using the Intercom link in the platform or via email Happy Selling!

1. Basic Recurring with Taxes

 A merchant would like to sell their coffee on a monthly basis and will be required to charge state sales tax to customers who have the shipment sent to FL addresses.


#1     Create a Product   - Create as many products that you require to sell your product catalog. When defining the products, be sure to select the property ‘taxable’.

#2    Create a billing model - Configure a single billing model to Bill by Cycle every 30 days

  • Add a new offer, select "Standard" as the offer type"

  • Name the Offer

  • Select the Monthly (30 day) billing model configured in Step 2

  • Add a new tax profile

  • Name the profile 'FL State Tax'

  • Select a Country = United States

  • Country Sales Tax = leave blank

  • State = FL

  • State Tax = 7.0%

#6      Assign the Sales Tax profile to the campaign

2. One Time Purchase

A merchant would like to sell their coffee on a monthly basis as well as offer coffee cups and travel mugs on a one time purchase basis.


  1. Create a Product Create product records for the coffee, coffee cup and the travel mug

  2. Create an Offer A single offer is able to support multiple billing models. Only define a single Offer. When constructing your checkout page, include logic to pass the correct Billing Model for the product. 

  • Example: a coffee cup would be assigned the straight sale billing model

  • Add a new offer, select “Standard” as the offer type

  • Name the Offer

  • Billing Model = select both ‘Straight Sale’ and ‘Every 30 days’

  • Products = select the coffee, coffee cup and travel mug product

  • Recurring Type = select Self Recurring

3. Risk Free Trial with Delayed Billing

A merchant would like to sell a 16 oz Specialty Coffee subscription with a free trial. They want to ship the product when the order is placed, but not charge the customer until day 14. Customers will then receive their next shipment on Day 30 and continue shipping the Coffee every 30 days.

  1. Day 0 Trial ($0.00 + Shipping)

  2. Day 14 Charge full product price, $10 (No Shipment)

  3. Day 30 Shipment and Billing (Self recur every 30 days)


  1. Create a Product Multiple product records are not needed for different price points. Define the product price as the amount that will be charged each month. In this example, the 16 oz. Specialty Coffee will be used as both the trial and subscription product. 

2.   Create a billing model - Configure a single billing model to Bill by Cycle every 30 days

3.    Create an Offer - Add a new offer, select “Standard” as the offer type.  Name the Offer.  Select the Monthly (30 day) billing model configured in Step 2

  • Select the Specialty Coffee product in products list, and check to include the product as a trial

  • Select the Add Trial Selection in the offer to enable trial configuration

A. Trial Duration

  • Billing Model Duration: Since the only billing model in this offer is also 30 days.

NOTE: If you have more than one billing model configured in your offer and always want the trial duration to be 30 days, then you will need to select Custom Duration = 30 days.

B. What to Charge
Custom Price: $0.00 (This will override the price of the product for the trial only)

C. When to Charge

  • Delayed Billing: 14 Days (This will allow for the full price of the product to be charged on day 14, but no shipment will be made)

  • Default Duration: 30 Days (This field is a fail safe measure to ensure a Billing Model is not shorter than the defined Delayed Billing Value)

4. Free Sample Trial with Monthly Subscription

A merchant would like to allow customers to try their product for free. This scenario is useful when shipping sample sizes to allow their customers to try the product before receiving a full shipment. In this example, the merchant will offer a 6 oz. sample of the Specialty Coffee, and 14 days later the customer will be billed and receive the full 16 oz Specialty Coffee every 30 days.

  1. Day 0 Trial product (Specialty Coffee 6 oz.) ($0.00 + shipping)

  2. Day 14 Subscription product (Specialty Coffee 16 oz.) ($19.99)

  3. Specialty Coffee 16 oz. bill and ship every 30 days

Create products 

  1. Multiple product records will be needed to support this configuration. A product record to represent the free trial (Specialty Coffee 6 oz.), and a product record to represent the full size monthly subscription (Specialty Coffee 16 oz.)

  2. If the trial product will only be used as a free trial, the price can be configured as $0.00

  3. If the trial product will also be available for individual purchase configure it with the actual product price

Create a billing model - Configure a single billing model to Bill by Cycle every 30 days

  • Add a new offer, select “Standard” as the offer type

  • Name the Offer

  • Select the Monthly (30 day) billing model configured in Step 2

  • Select both products to configure them to the offer

  • Select the Specialty Coffee 6 oz. and check the “Trial” to enable this product to be sold as a trial

  • Select the Specialty Coffee 16 oz. and uncheck the “Trial”, this product won’t be sold as a trial in this offer

  • Select the Add Trial Selection to enable trial configuration

  • Trial Duration:

  • (1) Custom Duration: 14 Days (The trial period will be different than the recurring subscription)

  • What to Charge:

  • (1) Product Price (The trial product was configured as $0.00, if the trial price is different than the product price, use Custom Price = $0.00 to override the product configuration)

  • When to Charge:

  • (1)At time of Order (The trial is $0.00 and there is no delayed charge for the trial)

Select Self Recurring

  • After the 14 day trial, this will allow for the same product to continue to recur every 30 days until the subscription is manually cancelled/stopped

  • Save Offer

5. Subscription Discounts

A merchant would like give customers the opportunity to purchase the product as a single sale or sign up for a subscription and receive a discount. This is a useful incentive to entice customers to save money by signing up for monthly shipments. In this example, the offer will consist of various coffee varieties, each can be purchased as a Straight Sale, 14 day subscription, or 30 day subscription. Customers will receive a discount if they purchase any of the items as a subscription.

A. Create products. Multiple product records are needed for each variety of coffee. The products should be configured at full price. Discounts are defined at the offer level.

B. Create Billing Models

  • Configure a billing model to Bill by Cycle every 30 days (if not already configured)

  • Configure a billing model to Bill by Cycle every 14 days (if not already configured)

NOTE: the Straight Sale billing model is installed by default in every account (Billing Model ID: 2)

  • Add a new offer, select “Standard” as the offer type

  • Name the Offer

  • Select all the billing models that will be available to the customer to choose. The billing model selected on the order will apply the appropriate discount configured.

  • Straight Sale with 0% discount

  • Monthly (30 days) with 10% discount

  • Biweekly (14 days) with 20% discount

  • Select all products to be configured to the offer

  • Select Self Recurring

  1. This will allow for the same product to continue to recur according to the billing model until the subscription is manually cancelled/stopped

  2. Save Offer


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